Thursday, October 10, 2019

Reasons Why Your Content Marketing Campaign Is Failing

Content marketing is all about information dissemination. It is a type of marketing that relies on sharing educational, entertaining or insightful information that can help readers improve their lives.

This decision can change their behavior or it could influence their purchasing decision. Content marketing is not about forcing a sale, it’s about helping them move towards the best course of action.

Content marketing is a marketing strategy focused on distributing valuable, relevant and consistent content designed to attract and retain a targeted audience.  

However, the effectiveness of your content marketing strategy can make or break your business. If you’re finding yourself in the latter, these could be the reasons why your content marketing strategy is failing.

Not Understanding Buyer Personas

A buyer persona is a fictional representation of your ideal customer based on market research and real data on your existing customers. When forming your buyer persona, it should be based on demographics, age, buying behavior, motivations and goals. The more details you have, the better.


However, not all marketers take time to do the research and not knowing your audience can have a disastrous effect on your content marketing efforts.

Content marketers should develop buyer as well as reader personas so that update recipients will find newsletters and blog readers will find information that they need or find relevant to their situations.

Always remember that blogs are not just about educating readers and buyers about your product or brand so that you can push them down the sales funnel. When you understand your audience, you know what topics will grab their attention.

Failing To Provide Quality

The primary goal of content marketing is to get leads through quality information. Keep your content fresh and to publish consistently.

When you don’t post new blog articles, people will stop going to your website or blog. Post as often as you can and remember to post quality content.

It’s also alright to post once a week, so long as you focus on quality over quantity. It’s also best to post at a regular time so that people will know when to expect updates.

Not Proof-reading or Editing

Wrong grammar is one of the biggest pet peeves of readers. Misspelled words, no commas or periods can be irritating. These little mistakes can send some readers over the hill. Moreover, it makes your blog look unprofessional.

Always spell check, proof-read and edit your content before publishing. There are also tools like and peer-readers who can check your work for you.


Not Reusing Or Repurposing

If you’ve been producing content for a long time, chances are you have a ton of it. Many marketers usually product content that covers a lot of topics and the good news is that you can recycle them over and over again.

How to repurpose old content: You can make a slideshow or video of your “how to’s”, transcribe your video and audio format, update reports so that it’s current or build on existing content by expanding certain points or building on new ideas and share older content to new audience.

No Call-To-Action

Even professional content marketers forget to add a call-to-action button from time to time. However, there is no better way to guide people to other parts of your website than a well-placed CTA.

Without CTAs visitors will have no way to know about your products or services. Consider placing CTAs in your blog, email messages, Facebook page, every page of your website, within webinars and ebooks and presentation.

Avoiding these email marketing mistakes can help your campaign succeed. Always remember that readers are always looking for information that’s quick, easy to digest and engaging.

Website Content Marketers in Sydney can provide a crisp and compelling content that can engage readers and showcase your brand personality.

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