Thursday, October 24, 2019

Best Mental Health Apps

As depression and suicide numbers rise, mental health apps can be effective in making therapy more accessible, efficient and portable.

Having a plan in place that can guide you through difficult moments can help you cope and keep you safe. For some people coping with depression and other mental health issues include medication, therapy or both. For others, a mental health app can provide a complementary or separate option for tackling depressive symptoms.


Moodpath is a depression and anxiety test that’s available for download for Apple and Android users. This app helps you make a mental mood assessment that can help you make the call to explore professional treatment.

Unlike other assessment apps that make you reflect on your life for the last couple of months. Moodpath guides you by asking in the moment questions over the span of 14 days to weigh your emotional well-being.

The app is geared towards getting a psychological assessment to help you make the call regarding professional help. However, it also has 150 exercises and tools on the app that can help you work on your mental health.



Depression and other mental health issues are becoming more visible, but the stigma has not vanished completely. This makes a person feel isolated. TalkLife is a safe space where you can talk openly about depression.

It offers community support that is similar to group therapy. You can access a community of people who are willing to listen so that you feel less lonely. If you’re concerned about privacy, you can go anonymous on the app too.


If you’ve noticed that your mood fluctuates at certain times, Daylio can help you pinpoint these trends so that you can make adjustment you need. It’s a pin-protected app that uses graphics to detail your daily activities and moods. You can watch the app churn out stats and trends to help you understand your mood a bit better.


Youper is an AI assistant for managing depression. It works by chatting with you and prompting you to think about your thought patterns and behavior. The app guides you through techniques you might need based on your response. It then summarizes your conversation and interactions through insights so that you can understand your well-being.

Depression CBT

This self-help app is free to use and is based on the tenets of behavioral cognitive therapy. It provides informational articles, diary-like mood tracking and built-in motivational features to help modify your thought patterns for a better mood.

There is also a depression severity test that lets you evaluate your progress. There is also an audio content available that is very helpful especially on long or stressful commutes.


What’s Up?

Like Depression CBT, it draws on cognitive behavior therapy and acceptance commitment therapy to teach you dozens of coping mechanisms from grounding exercises to breathing techniques and ways of recognizing disruptive thought patterns.

The app also features a forum where you can connect with other users so that you can get additional support.

One of the advantages of using an app to help you treat depression is the absence of traveling or appointments. You also don’t have to deal with huge bills which is very helpful if you don’t have insurance. We hope that these apps can help you treat depression or help you make the decision to get professional treatment.

A good mental health or anti-depression app can help save lives. If you have an idea for a mental health app, our software development consultant in Sydney can help you get on the right path.

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