Friday, April 22, 2022

How To Fix Under-Performing PPC Campaigns

Is your PPC campaign not performing as expected? You set up an account, did keyword research and wrote the ads. You’ve already spent money but nothing is happening.

Perhaps you hired somebody to run the campaign for you but it’s still not performing.

The basic PPC plan is simple: find relevant keywords and pay for clicks. However, it is actually hard to drive traffic that converts.

Let’s take a look at some of the most common PPC problems and how to fix them.

Reasons Why PPC Campaigns Fail

When PPC campaigns fail, the problem is usually one or more of these issues:

  • Problems with ad platform configuration
  • Problems with the landing page
  • Problems with ROI – PPC is too expensive for you

Problems With Ad Platform Configuration

There is a problem with the way things are set up and it’s causing problems in reaching the intended audience and the types of traffic you’re paying for. This is why optimization can mean the difference between a profitable account and one that is not.


The first thing to make sure is to check whether you’re bidding on the right keywords to reach the people who need your product.  Examine search terms ad check to see if those are the words people use to search for your products which triggers your ad to be shown. Google won’t show al of them due to privacy but auditing this report is a must.

Do a Google search on the keywords you’re bidding on and check other ads being shown to gauge if this is where you belong. Are you in the same industry? Have similar products?

Check your campaign settings too to ensure that location targeted is not set to “People in, regularly in, or who’ve shown interest in your targeted locations.” Google says it’s recommended but it’s really not.

Let’s say you only sell to customers in Singapore. If you target Singapore only but leave these settings on, Google will also show ads to people “interested” in Singapore. We obviously want that because that leads to money down the drain.

Improper or no Conversion Tracking 

You should be monitoring conversions in order to know whether your campaign is working or not.  The one exception to that is if you`re running display ads designed for brand awareness, and you don’t care what happens when someone comes to the site – but you should care. 

BTW, save money and don’t bother with the display ads.

Ad Copy 

creating website

If your CTR (click-through-rate) is below 2%, it’s time to revisit your copy. The no.1 killer of ad success is a bad copy. Persuasive copywriting is an art so spending time and money to hone this sill is worth it.

Try to add keywords to your copy, more benefits and more compelling CTAs (call-to-action)

 Account Structure 

Structuring PPC account is important to quickly see data that you need and evaluate ad spending based on goals, location, etc. This data has a big impact on ROI because too much spending on under-performing campaign is just wasted money.

A good way to manage campaigns is to group ads by product, product category or offer. You can also think about this by landing pages. Within this you can segment your ad groups by theme and group keywords more easily. You don’t need to add many keywords – more is not better, just pick around 5 highly relevant keywords.

For example, let’s say I’m running travel campaigns. I’d have a campaign for each destination’s landing page on my site, and ad groups for different themes. Examples might be a summer theme, a cheap flights theme, and a vacation theme, depending on the actual keywords and search volume.

Match Types 

Google is scrapping broad match modifiers, so it’s best to use both phrase match and exact match keywords in your campaign. If the budget is tight and the CPC (cost-per-click) is high, you might consider using exact match only.

It is important to remember not o use broad keywords when your budget is limited.  Google will match your ads to completely irrelevant searches and you will end up spending more than your budget.

Negative Keywords 

The wrong keywords can have a negative impact you’re your campaign and severely hurt your budget. You need to remove irrelevant keywords that will never become a lead.

Learn about search intent and how it impacts conversions. Look at your search terms report and exclude irrelevant keywords


In PPC, you need to spend money in order to make money. You can think of it like a car stuck in the snow. It needs traction before it can go. It’s the same with PPC. The less you spend the slower you learn and the more you think it’s not working.

This is why PPC is not the right choice for all business.

Problems On Landing Page

Landing Page Design

It`s very easy to spend 90% (or more) of your time on ads, and forget about where you’re sending traffic has a big impact on your ROI. People who are ready to buy will not do anything unless your page communicates properly. Red flags like unclear the value in your offer adds barriers to conversion like slow load times, poor checkout experiences or broken forms.


Content on your landing page needs to be consistent with the ad copy and keywords. If your ad says “free download” then the landing page needs to have a free download CTA.  If campaign ads are for a product, the landing page needs to be about the product page.

The Offer

 Your offer has to be compelling and at the same time short so that it’s worth the effort to complete the task in the landing page.

For example, an ad for a retirement home with CTA “fill out this form and get your mother in now” is funny but it’s not going to work because the ask is too big. Your offer has to be valuable but not scare people away. Offers like free demo, free download, free quote, free trial, etc usually work well.

The Content

Humans spend emotionally and then rationalize their purchase later. Benefits are important in an ad campaign because they prompt an emotional response.

Features are good but they are useless without providing benefit to the user or buyer. For example, they have to solve a problem. This means that your buyer needs to care about to features in order to drive conversion.

 Best practice for a good landing page is to highlight benefits of your product or service by using persuasive copywriting.

The Layout

 When structuring your landing page, keep in mind the following things: clean, clear, simple.

Clean: No clutter, no navigation especially in B2B. Exclude anything you don’t need.

Clear: One CTA only.

Simple: highlight product benefit, social proof and clear CTA. That’s it.

Focus on how the product or service increases the ROI of the user. Can it save time, revenue or reduce churn? If you can do this at a reasonable price, you have a winning PPC campaign.


Problems with ROI – It’s too expensive for your business

This issue is easy to miss because PPC is usually sold as a miracle for all businesses. Sure, it’s effective but it is not always right for all kinds of scenario. A bit of prep can help you save time and money.

The Equation

This is something people don’t talk about enough. It’s also something you need to know if you considering a PPC campaign for your small business: if your ACV (average contract value) is too low in contrast to the CPC (cost per click), then PPC might not be the best option for you.

Let’s use an example in which PPC would be extremely effective:         

You sell software, and your ACV is $10,000        

The CPC for the right keywords is $15        

The landing page gets demo sign-ups, and this is how we’re capturing a lead 

Let’s say you spend 3K per month for 3 months. You’ve spent $9,000. 

$9,000/$15 cost per each click is 600 clicks. 

Out of those 600 clicks, 4% book a demo. You get 24 demos. 

Let’s say you close 25% of those demos. You’ve got 6 new customers.

 6 customers at $10,000 is $60,000.  $60,000/$9,000 in ad spend is a 6x ROI. Fantastic! This is very profitable.  

Now it’s not a perfect example, but it illustrates the point: PPC works here. Watch what happens if the numbers are a bit different:         

You sell software, and your ACV is $2,500        

The CPC for the right keywords is $20        

The landing page gets demo sign-ups, and this is how we’re capturing a lead 

Let’s say you spend 3K per month for 3 months. You’ve spent $9,000. 

$9,000/$20 cost per each click is 450 clicks. 

Out of those 450 clicks, 2% book a demo. You get 9 demos. 

Let’s say you close 11% of those demos. You’ve got 1 new customer. 

1 customer at $2,500 is, well, $2,500. 

$2,500/$9,000 in ad spend is 0.27 ROI. Bad! This is not profitable.  Now it’s not a perfect example, but it illustrates the point: PPC does not work here.

Before running a PPC campaign, it’s important to do some projections in order to prepare for what can happen. When looking at the numbers, you might come across something that doesn’t make sense. It’s important to remember that PPC is just one of many channels and can’t be relied on as the only solution to a problem.

The post How To Fix Under-Performing PPC Campaigns appeared first on Creativ Digital.

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Thursday, April 21, 2022

Common UX Design Challenges And Their Solutions

UX Design isn’t just an important characteristic of a website, it also plays a big role in consumer purchasing. Studies show that an enhanced customer experienced increases retention by 42% and businesses enjoyed a 33% boost in customer satisfaction and 32% increase in revenue.

Web designers are always looking for ways to solve and crack the UX code. Even though here are new tools, systems and tech to boost their efforts there are still difficulties and challenges in UX design that hinder the road to a better user experience for customers. Fortunately, we have some solutions to these problems.

UX Design Challenges & Their Solutions

UX desingers are faced with challenges. However, there are solutions for every problem. They just need to recognize these obstacles early on. Here are some of the most common UX design challenges and their solutions.

Reducing Gap Between Design and Development

Developers and designers both have different but important roles during the build process. Design is useless without development, while development is also useless without design. Therefore, there must be collaboration between them.

Designing to development exchange can be difficult. It is a UX designer’s way of solving an issue but not the developer’s.  Designers think of the user’s journey while developers usually just try to find a technical way that’s convenient for them.

When there is no alignment between them, the product and process suffers.         

 In most cases, knowledge gaps and lack of communication are the main problems between designer and developer. This results in extra feedback loops, unpredictable quality assurance problems and different interpretations of the same targets.


The best way to solve this problem is to communicate constantly and avoiding discord between development and design. Engage developers ASAP to help them recognize problems early on.

Another solution is knowledge sharing. Take some time to understand how developers work and face challenges if you don’t want to learn to code.

Restrictions on Time and Budget

write your own web design brief design budget

Budget and time are big elements that impact both design and cycle and these connected.

When a designer is underpaid or is given a little time, they will produce poor quality work. It’s sad to say that many clients don’t value their designer’s input because they think they are just creating buttons or changing the gradient which they think is very easy to do or can be done in just a few minutes.

Everything is connected when it comes to design. Even color layers cater to different purposes. Therefore, designers must be given time and budget even when doing just the simplest of changes. When designers are forced to do something quickly, they cannot focus on what their clients need and deliver poor quality work as a result.


This is where business analysts and project managers come in. They can negotiate terms and conditions for UX designers who in turn can give better performance under a better schedule.         

Confusing and Complicated Chatbots              

The use of chatbots has become more common recently. They are useful when it comes to improving conversions and for solving common customer problems. Although they are important virtual assistants, many of them are not user-friendly.

Studies show that 73% of clients who have experienced interacting with defective chatbots don’t like to use them and 61% reported that they are annoying to use and prefer to chat with a human customer service representative.

In these cases, chatbots are hard to use or are not smart enough to handle customer service issues. They cause customers to become annoyed, provide wrong answers or conflicting messages; all of which can harm customer user experience.


Chatbots should be used to provide conversational UX instead of trying to solve a problem quickly or providing a smart response. This can be done by using smarter AI systems that employ machine learning to get emotional intelligence and interaction cues.

This technology can help chatbots learn the right responses that are useful and relevant for different situations which help enhance customer interactions.

Lack of Understanding of the UX Designer Role

Many people underestimate the multi-disciplinary nature of UX. To them, UX is all about making things look great. The business value of UX is also neglected. So, if basic stakeholders are unaware of your role as a designer, it can become difficult.

UI/UX design is a collective role, which needs feedback form almost everybody in the business. Designers have to meet with company representatives in order to know their vision and you also need to contact the client service team to hear their insights. However, if your role and importance is not clear, engaging the right people can be hard to do.


UX designers need to establish expectations as soon as possible. Start projects with a stakeholder launch to describe your role and purpose. Give daily updates and scope to your co-workers and ask questions while moving through the project.

Most importantly, invite others to understand your role be it during a lunch time workshop or casual chat at your desk. This will help you clear misconceptions about what you do by encouraging an open-door culture.   

Product Display

creating website

The problem with online product selling is that you don’t know actually know what you get until it appears. There are many online sales options available and brands should always try to build confidence and communicate why customers should use their products.

However, only depending on product image and ratings from previous buyers is not enough especially if retailers use the same strategies nowadays.


Technology and your creativity can help when it comes to this problem. Online sellers are now using VR and AR tools in making 3D product models to provide a virtual buying experience that was difficult to do before. Using this type of technology allows consumers to see how products look in real life just by using their mobile phones.

This kind of technology helps to bring the best elements of a physical shop to an online shop. Customers love this feature with reports saying that 40% of buyers would invest more in a product if they can examine it using VR first while 71% of buyers would buy more from a brand that uses the same feature.

Android Fragmentation

As of this writing, Android devices around the world are currently running on different versions and every smartphone maker want to make its Android version different.

Smartphones have different display resolutions and details vary from one manufacturer to another. Designing and developing an App for Android is tougher than it is for iOS devices.


To manage this, follow Google’s instructions and concentrate on the latest updates and the most popular Android mobile models. 

Android app development, Android design generally takes slightly more time to be completed. However, in a few cases, it enables designers to make design preferences not possible to do on the iOS platform.

A/B Testing Errors

Although the A/B testing is a UX designer’s instant solution for comparing designs and thoughts, it is also incorrect and limited. According to reports, 80%  A/B tests give the wrong results.  Because systems compare just 2 versions at a time, there are inaccuracies to be found. 

Most importantly, there is a possibility that neither of these choices are the best. It could take months and more A/B testing combinations before the right combination can be found.


AI and machine learning can make this procedure more accurate and simpler. Typical A/B testing compares only 2 variants at a time. 

However, since AI systems can assess huge amounts of data immediately, these tools can compare many variants at the same time and report results more quickly.

Bottom Line

New sets of ideas and challenges are being faced by UI/US designers every year. Web designers need to consider these challenges and solve them in order to improve user experience. They need to keep in mind that every problem has a solution.

Considering the client’s requirements, needs and choices can help designers make important decisions for developing websites and accomplishing their goals which is to provide customers with a better user experience.

The post Common UX Design Challenges And Their Solutions appeared first on Creativ Digital.

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Friday, April 15, 2022

Best eCommerce Platforms for Building Online Stores

The online retail industry is booming. Retail e-commerce sales worldwide reached $4.28 trillion in 2020, according to Statista. It is up 27.6% from the previous year. In 2021, e-commerce revenues were $4.9 trillion. What does this mean for online stores? This is the perfect time to start an online business because the e-commerce market is growing faster than traditional enterprises, giving you more opportunities to generate money.

Nowadays, a company’s online presence is extremely important. Operating an e-commerce store is less expensive than opening a physical store. E-commerce has a low cost of entry. You won’t have to pay rent or utilities, and you’ll probably need fewer employees and have lower operating costs. Though e-commerce websites necessitate regular expenditures for technical support such as hosting, website updates, and maintenance, these costs are significantly cheaper than those of traditional online stores.

Shopify is one of the most well-known and widely used e-commerce platforms for businesses of all sizes. It also focuses on social commerce and mobile shopping.

The user interface for this website builder is incredibly user-friendly. To create your store, you don’t need any IT or coding knowledge. Many companies like Shopify because it allows them to create a beautiful, customisable store without having to learn how to code or design.

When it comes to design, there are hundreds of themes to choose from. Shopify has pre-made templates, so consumers don’t have to start from scratch when it comes to personalization. Shopify offers a wide range of themes to suit a wide range of businesses. You can select the theme that best suits the aesthetic of your company.

If you have any issues in building your site, Shopify offers phone, live chat, and email assistance 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. This ensures that consumers receive immediate assistance from the staff.

BigCommerce is a great e e-commerce website builder for medium to large businesses, such as wholesalers or B2B companies. It works for businesses of all sizes and industries, and it’s also a good option to provide a brick and mortar store an online presence.

BigCommerce provides a comprehensive range of e-commerce solutions to assist you in the development of your website. You can also include social media into your website and sell your products through those platforms.

BigCommerce makes it simple to expand your business and sell your products through different channels. You can create stores on other websites using your BigCommerce site. It’s an excellent method to broaden your company’s reach while maintaining a consistent brand identity across platforms.

BigCommerce provides social media integration as well as search engine optimisation (SEO) capabilities like rich snippets, custom URLs, and a content delivery network (CDN) to help your site load faster. These features assist in increasing site traffic and improving search engine results.

Squarespace is a fantastic all-in-one platform for setting up a profitable online store. This website builder provides a variety of store themes for businesses to choose from when creating a website.

You’ll have access to Squarespace’s inventory management system when you build your site on their platform. This may be integrated into your website to keep track of your inventory and alert you when certain products are running short. Their prices are reasonable, starting at $18 per month for annual payments with minimal services. 

Squarespace gives you complete control over your website. You can manage your email lists, as well as set up coupon offers and shipping preferences. This allows you to easily maintain complete control over your website.

You’ll get access to a large number of mobile-friendly and customisable themes that you can further customize with CSS and Javascript. Although you can submit as many physical products as you like, the subscription selling feature is only available with the Advanced Commerce plan.

Magento is an e-commerce-focused content management system (CMS) for building medium and large-scale web stores. If you’re searching for a platform that gives you the most flexibility, this is a good option. But if you don’t have any Magento experience, you’ll need to hire someone who does.

Magento is mobile-friendly and an open-source platform at the same time, so you’ll have to develop your own store. This means you have the freedom to create rich content for products and other services. Additional e-commerce extensions are also available through Magento Marketplace. Magento has over 9000 plugins/extensions, including free social commerce extensions, allowing you to sell directly on social media platforms.

PCI Compliant Payment Solutions are integrated into the platform. Setting up payment gateways or obtaining an extension from the marketplace is your responsibility. Checkout, payment, and shipping modules are all integrated within the platform.

It also has a large resource collection for store administration. This is the greatest platform for e-commerce sites and enterprise-level merchants with high product volumes.

WooCommerce is an open-source eCommerce platform that is accessible as a plugin for WordPress. WooCommerce is a plugin that adds eCommerce functionality to any WordPress site. With the WooCommerce plugin, you can easily develop an e-commerce-ready website.

You can add e-commerce functionality to your website by using WooCommerce. You make it simple for customers to browse and buy your stuff. It’s a simple plugin that you may use to rapidly create a website.

WooCommerce is an eCommerce platform that includes everything from inventory management to payment processing. When you invest in WooCommerce for WordPress, you gain access to a large developer community that will assist you in creating the ideal website for your company. You can also add hundreds of extensions, such as store administration, shipping, and marketing tools, to extend its capability.

Wix’s major goal is to make creating a website or an online business as simple as possible for its consumers. In fact, its platform is used by over 700,000 companies all around the world. Wix also offers hosting for your online store, with prices starting at $23/month for an annual subscription.

Wix Ecommerce is a great alternative if you have minimal product choices. Small businesses with less than 50 unique products can use this platform to build attractive websites. 

Creating a good website is simple and straightforward. Wix Ecommerce, like other website builders, offers a variety of attractive website themes. 

A drag-and-drop theme is used to build up Wix Ecommerce. You have the freedom to add and delete features as you see suitable for your company. This makes creating your own unique storefront a breeze. Abandoned cart recovery, a configurable checkout page, rapid purchase buttons, add to cart from a gallery, wishlists, loyalty programs, discount codes, and user accounts are among the primary features of Wix’s eCommerce platform. You’ll also receive $300 in online ad credit and other helpful online marketing tools. Wix also supports Facebook, Instagram, and eBay for multi-channel sales.


With so many e-commerce platform alternatives available, choose the correct one for your business is a critical decision. And while each solution has its own set of advantages and disadvantages, the ideal e-commerce platform for your business will be the one that best fits your needs and budget. As a result, when you begin your search for the best e-commerce platforms, you’ll need to know what you’re looking for in terms of a variety of criteria, including price, platform type, payment processing alternatives, and specialized features and capabilities.

Creativ Digital will assist you in creating a stunning e-commerce site for your business. We are a leading custom eCommerce web development firm in Sydney, dedicated to creating scalable and tailored eCommerce solutions. Our skilled web developers can help you with conversion-driven development techniques whether you’re starting your first online store or upgrading an existing one to shift revenue declines.

The post Best eCommerce Platforms for Building Online Stores appeared first on Creativ Digital.

from Creativ Digital

Wednesday, April 13, 2022

App Categories That Will Thrive In A Post-COVID World

As we can’t predict the consequences of this COVID pandemic, many businesses are getting ready for this new normal period. Companies that are flexible and innovative will grow stronger than others.

Some industries, like hospitality and retail, still take time to adapt to the new normal. However, for others like video streamers and work-from-home employees, the new normal is already making them thrive. This is why it is important that apps are becoming important.

Mobile apps are making it possible for all of us to thrive in the face of COVID. They help many of us remain efficient while maintaining physical distancing.  Trying to live in a COVID world is unimaginable.

Here are app categories that will thrive in a post-COVID world.

Healthcare Apps

Healthcare apps are in high demand as we care about our health more and more. These apps may instruct how to do basic yoga or meditation at home, what’s an appropriate diet, the types of exercise you should be doing, and give instructions for medical testing. These apps also allow on-demand doctor consultations over the phone or with your tablet or computer, which is a great relief to those who cannot financially afford to go to a doctor’s office.

Grocery and Online Shopping Apps

Grocery and online shopping apps have seen success during the pandemic. Many people are worried about getting infected with the virus making these grocery apps very important in maintaining out households.

Many people are also finding it more convenient to do their shopping online. They save time and gas money while shopping at home.

FinTech Apps

Also known as financial technology, it is another category that is experiencing popularity and high demand.  The uncertainty with the economic system together with the failure to go to banks has caused many of us to use apps when dealing with money.

According to App Annie, says that during Q1 2020, time spent in fintech increased to 55%. Growth was even greater at 90% and 85% respectively in South Korea and Japan. In April 2020, a FinTech app named Robinhood ranked #1 on app with a 260% boost in use.

From essentials like paying bills, the use of fintech has also seen a boost in other finance related use such as fund transferring, inventory monitoring, trading, investing, and private finance management. Customers look for user-friendly, trustworthy, and stable apps, to clear up all financial issues.

Dating Apps

Dating apps saw a huge surge during the worldwide lockdown. The category saw a low increase of only 5.3% growth in 201p. However, during the pandemic apps like Hinge, Bumble, and Tinder enjoyed a huge increase in downloads since face-to face meet-ups were prohibited.  

In 2019, it was already forecasted that more and more people would meet their partners online by 2035. On 29th March 2020, Tinder users worldwide swiped through 3 billion probable matches. And this was a record-breaking incident.

Entertainment Apps

During this pandemic, leisure apps like Scrabble GO, IMDb, Snapchat, Google Play Music, Spotify, YouTube, HBO Now, Amazon Prime, Netflix, etc. have encountered a extraordinary surge to ward off the boredom of lockdown. Kids are downloading games for fun and entertainment.

Adults also are engaged in news apps in order to stay in touch with what’s happening around the world. Apps like Google News, BBC News, CNN, etc. have become popular as people want to know what’s happening in other places.

News apps are also a good source of precautionary measures and advice on how to combat COVID and how other countries are coping with the disease. Most importantly, they want to know how the healthcare system is faring and how it will affect them should they contract the virus.

E-Learning Apps

Many students were unable to physically join their classmates due to the lockdown. Academic year 2020-2021 saw a massive digitalization of education.  COVID stretched the abilities of educators and students in order to accommodate teaching and learning.

For example, language apps like Duolingo experienced a 148% increase in enrolees during March 2020 in the US. Likewise, Udemy also encountered a 425% increase in enrolments in late March.

The increase was due to the sudden need for people to learn new skills to pass time during the lockdown. Many of them saw this period as an ideal time to improve their abilities. However, e-learning apps are still enjoying poplarity as more people see them as a convenient way of pursuing hobbies and self-improvement while at home.  

Social Media Apps


Social media apps play an important part during the time of social distancing as it is a means of communicating with family and friends around the world.

Due to social distancing, social media apps have become more popular. Famous social media apps like Tumblr, Facebook, TikTok, Snapchat, Instagram, Pinterest, Twitter, WhatsApp, and Reddit have enjoyed massive downloads.

Aside from staying in touch, people also use social media as an outlet for their creativity. For instance, there were a lot of funny and creative videos on TikTok and many beautiful pictures of landscape and scenery in Instagram.

Food Delivery Apps

Many restaurants and cafes struggled during the pandemic. With social distancing measures in place, many restaurants had to limit the number of patrons eating inside while others were forced to close due to slow sales.

Fortunately, delivery apps made it possible for other restaurants and cafes to proseper and thrive. In order to conform with social distancing measures, many patrons turned to food delivery so that they can still enjoy their favorite food or beverage without having to go out of their homes.

DIY and Home Improvement Apps

Since we all had to spend more time at home, DIY has strongly emerged as one of the best ways to stave off boredom. Homeowners stuck at home suddenly got inspired and were finally able to start or restart projects they have on the backburner.

Apps like Lowe`s and Home Depot noticed a 205% and 195% hike of their app downloads respectively. Wayfair, the virtual-first homeware store additionally skilled an 85% boom in its app downloads.

Edtech or Online Education Apps

Many students were unable to attend classes during the pandemic. Even this year, there are still students learning online. This has led to a massive digitalization of education.

Edtech apps like ClassDojo, Remind: Safe Classroom, and Google Classroom encountered a 565%, 290%, and 580% boom respectively from January 2020 to March 2020.

After many years, these digital education apps finally saw scope in this crisis period. Byju’s that was working great as a Freemium subscription model, grew a bit and started providing free online classes, experiencing a 150% hike in the number of users.

Importance Of Mobile Apps In Education

Bottom Line

Users are spending more time using apps. From buying groceries to online learning, it is easy to see how these apps are making our lives easier during COVID and in our post-COVID world.

If you have an app idea, now is the perfect time to try new ideas and concepts.

The post App Categories That Will Thrive In A Post-COVID World appeared first on Creativ Digital.

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Importance of White Space In UI Design

Data sharing, communication, and business are all happening online nowadays and everyone wants to retain their users by providing the best experience possible. Visual and graphic design has become much more important and has evolved into UI design which in turn has become one of the tools developers use in order to increase traffic to websites.

White space is just as important as it was 10 years ago and is still impacts UI design even today.

Here is how white space impacts the efficiency of UI design.

What is White Space?

White space is literally just the unmarked or unused space in visual design. We can see it between lines in a paragraph, layouts and other design components.

However, white space is not just the white color we see. It is basically the background we can see so it can be the texture, color, image or pattern on a layout.

Why Does White Space Matter In Design?

White space and spacing are important in the design of a website. Websites without white space can offer different effects such as creating a smoother feel, more engagement from your readers and changes in how your site functions.

The difference between an average and successful product can be seen in its design. As a designer, you should fulfill the client’s needs but also consider how average users will see the product.

White space enhances both UI and UX of a webpage. Here are factors that show why white space is important in UI/UX design.

Emphasizes Design Components

White space is important for giving our brains a moment of clarity. Our brains give importance to the design components using white space as the buffer that gives us enough time to process what we see.

We can view pictures in more detail with the use of white space. With this, you can understand what is happening in the picture. White space also provides a sufficient buffer for your brain to make sense of what you’re seeing.

Better Comprehension

Using white space makes content easily scannable and makes it easier to understand. According to research, white space between lines of paragraphs, left and right margins can increase comprehension up to 20%. 

Guide User’s Eyes

White space can help guide your user’s eyes. For example, the first point is the logo, next is the navigation bar, then a hero image and then finally the text. You can do this by streamlining the content of your page to less than 15 points on that page.

When placing this content, you need to decide where the macro space will be located, that is, where on the screen you will place each group of elements or pieces of content. A macro space encloses each component or group of components. On the other hand, this space is the space that surrounds various components of the same group or between characters, lines, and paragraphs of text.

Maximize Interaction Rate

Studies have shown that the average attention span of Internet users is 6 seconds. Effective use of white space allows your UI design to quickly communicate your message to users and maximize opportunities for interaction with your call-to-action. So designers need to create lines of communication between users, and design and white space can help a lot.

Try checking the Google search engine homepage.  The use of white space is very clear and clearly communicates the purpose of the search on the page.

Gestalt Principle of Proximity

The Gestalt Principle of Proximity Allows users to link closely related components to have the same functionality. To properly implement this principle, you need to ensure that the components associated with the group are close to each other.

For example, you can collect personal information such as name and address in one group, personalize it with some space, and then add another group of fields under credit card information.

Embraces Luxury and Sophistication

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White space can be a major design element when used to create a specific look or feel. We associate a huge amount of white space with sophistication and luxury, so when used effectively, we can add that association to our designs.

Large number of graphic components reduces overall design cost. Instead, improve your design by adding more images. Margins allow you to focus on making your graphics better.

Enables Imagination

When people see the white space in your UI design, it lets their imagination run free, which elicits stronger emotional responses. The human brain has a basic need to evaluate things, which creates a kind of narrative between what you see and how you can process it.

It is not so important that our minds mark the empty space. Just thinking about it involves our minds, and that’s important. By participating, you are becoming invested in the design.  Becoming involved in the design makes a good first impression.

Highlights Visual Hierarchy

Using whitespace enables you show off the visible hierarchy among the different elements of your page. Consider increasing or lowering factors like margin and padding in order to add more focus on particular elements. Make sure to place important elements like CTAs in spaces where they can stand out.

Showcase Important Aspects

An experienced designer has to be able to guide his user’s awareness to the content material and make the message different. It is easy to be excessive when it comes to design. Designers have to keep away from unnecessary clutter in order to achieve the product’s end goal.

Simplicity doesn’t equate to a boring layout; rather, it`s a strong layout that speaks for itself in preference in catching the audience’s attention.


White space is the core element in website design. The lack of content is as important as the content’s presence on your website. It isn’t just an empty space; it’s actually a strong design tool.

 White space creates balance, harmony and helps in brand designing. The idea here is to make the website look clean and simple and to highlight the details that visitors will enjoy.

 White space isn’t blank space. It is a design element that allows the details on a web page to become enhanced. White space balances everything out and makes us see the design aesthetic. It also highlights the layout of the page so that the images and text are highlighted for better communication.

The post Importance of White Space In UI Design appeared first on Creativ Digital.

from Creativ Digital

Tuesday, April 12, 2022

Angular vs React: Which Suits Your Business

Selecting the right web framework is a difficult undertaking, especially with so many options available today that may meet a variety of project requirements. Startups, small and mid-sized businesses, and major corporations prefer to build bespoke web apps in a shorter amount of time using high-functionality frameworks. However, if you understand what distinguishes these technologies and tools and which one best suits your needs, making this decision becomes simple and intuitive. 

Nowadays, AngularJS and ReactJS are frameworks which are widely utilized in web app development. This is why most businesses are quite confused in choosing the ideal one. 

Developers, on the other hand, may find it difficult to choose amongst these frameworks because each has its own set of advantages and disadvantages. Hence, it is highly recommended that you compare them before deciding which one to use to implement your project.

In this blog post, we will discuss and go through the facts and insights to guide you toward the right solution which addresses your needs. Let’s dive in!

What is Angular? 

AngularJS was first released in 2009 and was quickly adopted by Google. Angular is a client-side web framework that aids in building dynamic web applications.  It swiftly rose to prominence as one of the most widely used web frameworks of the time. This was due to features such as two-way data binding and dependency injection. It enables real-time, error-free data synchronization between the model and the view.

Angular allows developers to use HTML as a template language and to define the application’s components clearly and concisely using HTML’s syntax. It also helps with the MVC programming model. It’s a full-featured JS framework for developing dynamic single-page web apps.

What is React? 

React is a JavaScript library that was created by a Facebook team as an open-source project. React is frequently used to build single-page apps’ user interfaces from discrete components.

This framework popularized the concept of component-based architecture in web development. It can handle the view layers of online and mobile apps. If you use this adaptable framework in conjunction with other supporting libraries, you may be able to build complex projects.

React quickly swept the market, outperforming most of the existing frameworks, including AngularJS. In 2016, Google improved their JavaScript framework and renamed it Angular2 in response to the community’s enthusiasm for component-based architecture.

Angular vs React: What is the difference? 

When identifying the differences between Angular and React, we must first consider their architectures. The distinction between a framework and a library is explained below.

React is a JavaScript library, whereas Angular is a full-fledged framework that makes the engineering experience easy. However, every now and then, we may ask, “Is React a framework?” Many developers believe React to be a framework since its large ecosystem allows it to be integrated with a variety of other libraries and tools, giving it framework-like features. When you use Angular, you have everything you need to get started building an app right out of the box. This is both a benefit and a downside at the same time.

The distinction between TypeScript and JavaScript is the next significant part to explore. React is written in JavaScript, a well-known dynamically typed language (wherein you don’t have to specify the type of a variable). Because the language is popular and many developers are already familiar with it, finding a development team for a project is easier.

Angular is built on TypeScript, a statically typed language that necessitates declaring the type of variables. Microsoft created this programming language as a superset of JavaScript, a web application development tool that complements JavaScript. Only 17.4 percent of developers prefer TypeScript to JavaScript, which has a 69.8 percent popularity. Finding developers that are knowledgeable with TypeScript is a little more difficult, but it is still possible as Angular’s popularity grows.


When it comes to developing enterprise applications, deciding what technology to employ and whether you can use it at all can be tough. Angular and React, on the other hand, can be used to build enterprise apps because they are both versatile and offer the required functionality depending on the project’s size.

If you’re working on a complicated web app with a lot of features, Angular is the finest framework to use. If you need to develop separate features or integrate them into the Angular code, a React would be a better option.

Have you made up your mind about which of the two JavaScript frameworks you want to use? Have you chosen whether Angular or React is more appropriate for your project? If you have any remaining doubts or queries, please contact us. Our web and app development team in Sydney provides the greatest user experience and most impressive designs for our clients using a combination of sophisticated coding languages. At Creativ Digital, we make sure that your company’s online presence leaves a lasting impression and that your customers want to come back for more. Our web development firm uses responsive and interactive design strategies based on front-end technology to construct each application with great precision so that it looks great on every platform.

The post Angular vs React: Which Suits Your Business appeared first on Creativ Digital.

from Creativ Digital

Friday, April 1, 2022

Benefits of Progressive Web Apps for eCommerce

Progressive Web apps are becoming increasingly popular for companies to use in order to rapidly connect with their audiences and provide a more engaging user experience.

PWA technology benefits the eCommerce industry by helping it provide users with a better user experience. PWA platforms allow brands in the eCommerce industry to create their app three times faster than a website.

According to Sista reports, more than 400 billion US dollars are expected to be generated by mobile driven businesses, and Progressive Web Apps increase this number.

What is a Progressive Web App (PWA)?

PWA offers the features of a website with the ease of use, speed, and ability to run independent of internet access like an app. This can be done by forking a website’s URL on any device and accessing it offline.

Those who want to enjoy the convenience of a native mobile app can do so with a PWA. You cannot download PWAs from an application store, but they are easy to use just like a native app.

Mobile phones are one of the primary ways for traffic to come to your site, and because of this, PWAs may seem like the best option for eCommerce stores trying to maximize conversions.

How Are PWA Beneficial To Ecommerce Stores?

The advantages of PWAs for eCommerce businesses are many. It makes the online buying experience as smooth as possible, and we can expect it to change the landscape of mobile commerce for the below-mentioned reasons.

  • Saves on Time and Cost of Development

PWA apps are easier to develop as they are built on shared code and re-usable choices. Developers don’t have to go back and forth between platforms since PWAs can work on both Android and iOS devices.

Increasing money, time, and resources you put towards a project, the better the results.

  • Broader Marketing Scopes

Search engines are making changes to voice based searches. This is why sellers should also fine tune how they are found on the web. Because PWA is a site in the native form, it improves searchability automatically thereby increasing chances of being found by buyers.

  • Connects Customers and Merchants

Progressive Web Apps are relatively easy and less time-consuming to use. This is because the user doesn’t have to download an app, as it’s something they can access on their browser. Now, users know how many apps they have on their device, which will help them limit the number of mobile apps they use.

Users often don’t want to install more apps on their phone because it is already cluttered. Apps make the phone slower, which creates a poor experience for the customer. As a result, online businesses are turning to PWAs.

  • Offline Functionality with Service Workers

With two new technologies that are PWAs: service workers and cache, your page will load faster in the browser of a mobile device. Service workers operate in the background, syncing any changes made on your server to your local cache. When cached content is available, your application will not need to request new data from the server or other remote devices.

This means PWAs would provide standard navigation even if your app users are offline.

  • Save on Storage Space and Data

PWA’s are more cost-efficient to use than regular internet shops. A desktop application will take up a larger amount of space on your phone and cost more data, but a PWA can be as small as few MBs only.

  • Flexibility and Responsiveness
website update

Progressive Web Apps are flexible and responsive. This design is sensitive to what you use, so your site looks great regardless of the device.

To provide a good user experience, you should create a mobile-friendly site. This will allow your targeted mobile audience to see what you have to offer and keep them interested.

  • Free Updates & App Store Costs

In PWAs updates happen at the server, so they can deliver content efficiently to users and require less time on the business owner’s end.

Creating a PWA means you don’t need to rely on being featured by the app store and its terms. Progressive Web Apps benefit from better visibility in search engines than your mobile app because users can install them with a single tap.

  • Easy Maintenance

If you’re working on individual apps for iOS and Android, it might be difficult to find a developer who’s available for an extended period of time. However, PWAs can be upgraded by identifying their needs for various browsers, making them easier to maintain.

  • Better User Adoption

With PWAs, the user does not need to download an app. They only need to follow the steps on their device screen by clicking a link in the website. This leads to a higher conversion rate than if they were required to install and launch an app.

  • Payment Security

Security is one of the advantages PWAs provide to eCommerce companies and this is why people prefer the concept of online shopping. Crowded check-out processes often prevent people from finishing their purchase, leading them to disregard their cart and choose not to buy something.

The Payment Request API allows buyers to make fast and secure payments, in a way that reduces friction. There is no checkout form, so shoppers can complete the purchase immediately.

creating website

Wrap Up

The best way to increase mobile conversions is to start using PWA. These are already used by the most successful corporations, making it important for eCommerce businesses to follow their lead. Online businesses should start taking advantage of PWA to reap the rewards.

The post Benefits of Progressive Web Apps for eCommerce appeared first on Creativ Digital.

from Creativ Digital