Tuesday, January 31, 2023

Top Skills Junior UX Designers Should Learn

The world of UX or user experience is a rapidly changing one, and it’s important for junior UX designers to stay on top of their game. With so many companies looking for talent in this field, it’s crucial that you make the most of your time at school and learn as much as possible. That’s why we put together this list of must-know skills for junior UX designers.

Analytical Skills

Analytical skills are a must for any designer. They allow you to understand how users behave and what they need from your product, which is crucial in order to make informed design decisions.

Some of the most important analytical skills that UX designers should learn include data analysis. You can use analytics tools like Google Analytics or Mixpanel to get an overview of how people interact with your site, but these tools don’t tell you everything.

 This means it’s up to you as a designer–or more specifically, as part of a team–to use other data sources like customer service tickets or social media comments to figure out why something isn’t working properly on your website or app.

User Interface Design

User interface (UI) design focuses on creating easy-to-use visual or audio interface elements to help users interact with a site, app, or other computer systems in a user-friendly manner. UI is crucial to the success of digital assets because a user is likely to leave a page if it is difficult to use.

A good UI / UX design helps you get better results in the long run. It can help your clients or company generate more leads and improve conversion rates. This translates to better sales and revenue.



Creativity is a skill that’s important for UX designers because it allows them to think outside the box and come up with solutions that others may not have thought of before.

Creative skills can be learned, and they’re something that every UX designer should have in their toolkit. Here are some examples:

Artistic ability (drawing, painting) – this helps you create better user interfaces by giving your designs more aesthetic appeal

Collaborative Mindset

You’ll need to work well in teams. You’ll be collaborating with people from different departments, so it’s important that you’re able to communicate effectively with them. This can be especially challenging when working on projects that involve a lot of stakeholders, but it’s also necessary for junior UX designers (and anyone else) who are trying to make an impact in their job roles.

If you want your work to stand out among other employees at the same level, being able to communicate effectively is key.


As a UX designer, you’ll need to understand the user’s perspective and put yourself in their shoes. You can’t do this if you don’t have empathy for the people who use your product or service.

Empathy is defined as “the ability to understand or feel what another person is thinking or feeling.”

If you can’t empathize with users’ needs, motivations, and perspectives then it will be difficult for them to trust your decisions about how they should interact with products or services that are designed by someone who doesn’t share those same feelings.


Research is the cornerstone of any UX design project. It’s a process of learning about people and their needs, motivations, and behaviors–and it can be applied to any product or service you work on. You may think that research only applies to new products or services; however, research has long been used in existing ones as well.

Research isn’t just about collecting information from users or customer s. It also involves understanding how your target audience thinks about things like technology, brands, usability issues and more. This type of self-reflection helps designers develop solutions that meet their users’ needs while still being innovative enough to stand out from other products on the market.

Usability Testing

Usability testing is an important part of the UX design process. It’s a way to test how easy it will be for users to accomplish tasks and use your product, so that you can make sure it’s as user-friendly as possible.

Usability testing involves observing people interacting with your product, recording their actions and behaviors, and making any necessary changes based on those observations.

You might also want to conduct usability tests on existing apps or websites in order to see how well they function before spending time building something new from scratch and could take years. Usability tests are useful because they help provide valuable feedback on what works well and what doesn’t.

paper prototype


Prototyping is a critical skill for UX designers, and it’s one that you’ll need to master if you want to stand out in your field. Prototypes can be used for:

  • Explaining concepts and ideas to other people
  • Testing assumptions about how users will interact with an interface or product
  • Getting feedback from potential clients

Pursue Further Educational Opportunities

If you are interested in pursuing a career as a UX designer, then it is important that you learn the skills that will help you get there. One of the best things you can do is to seek out further educational opportunities that will give you the knowledge, skills and experience needed to be successful in this field.

Thankfully, learning opportunities are literally at your fingertips. The Internet offers a wealth of information for every stage in your UX design career and is the perfect place to begin your research and learning process.     

Search for references and trainings on different aspects of UX design like prototyping, user research, UI design articles, and more. Get to know tools like Adobe XD, which is a great place to learn and grow UX design skills. Subscribe to publication that can hone your skills and keep you abreast with the latest technology

Bottom Line

These are just some of the skills you should be learning from a very young age. There are so many more that can help you in your career as a UX designer, but these are the basics. These skills will help you work with other people and understand how they think and feel about what you’re designing for them. They will make sure that when they use your product or service, it works well for them so they don’t have any problems while using it.

The post <strong>Top Skills Junior UX Designers Should Learn</strong> appeared first on Creativ Digital.

from Creativ Digital https://ift.tt/L4JbYod

Thursday, January 26, 2023

Why Should You Have a Mobile App for Your Business

As a business owner, having a mobile app can bring numerous benefits to your business. In today’s fast-paced digital world, consumers are turning to their smartphones more than ever to shop, browse, and connect with businesses. A mobile app can provide a convenient and easy way for your customers to interact with your business, making it an essential tool for any business looking to stay competitive.

Creating a custom mobile app not only keeps your company modernised and updated. But they also aid in improving client relationships and strengthening brand loyalty. So whether you are considering developing a mobile app or updating an existing one, here are the reasons why your company needs a custom mobile app today.


One of the most significant benefits of having a mobile app is the ability to reach customers wherever they are. With a mobile app, your customers can access your products and services from anywhere, at any time. This means that even when your physical store is closed, your customers can still shop and make purchases through your mobile app. This can increase sales and revenue for your business, even when you’re not open for business.


Another benefit of having a mobile app is the ability to personalise the customer experience. A mobile app allows you to gather data on your customers’ preferences, interests, and shopping habits. This information can be used to create personalised recommendations, deals, and promotions for each customer. This can increase customer loyalty and repeat business.

Increased customer engagement

Mobile apps also allow for easy communication with customers. With push notifications, you can send updates and promotions directly to your customers’ smartphones. This can increase customer engagement and help to keep your business top-of-mind. Additionally, mobile apps often have built-in messaging or chat features, allowing for easy and convenient communication between your business and your customers.

Improved customer loyalty

Mobile apps also provide a platform for businesses to offer loyalty programs, rewards, and other incentives to customers. These programs can increase customer engagement and loyalty and allow businesses to differentiate themselves from their competitors.

Better experience

Another benefit of having a mobile app is the ability to create an enhanced e-commerce experience. Mobile apps can provide a seamless and secure way for customers to make purchases and complete transactions. This can increase customer satisfaction and reduce cart abandonment rates. Additionally, mobile apps can provide a more efficient and user-friendly way to browse and purchase products and services compared to mobile websites.

Increased brand awareness

Because mobile apps allow for personalised attention to your target audience, you can provide the best solution to your customers. A mobile app can be a powerful marketing tool that allows businesses to showcase their products and services, and increase brand awareness. Mobile apps demonstrate a business’ commitment to keeping up with the latest technology and trends, which helps boost the business’s reputation and credibility.


In conclusion, having a mobile app for your business can bring several benefits, including increased customer reach, personalisation, easy communication, loyalty programs, enhanced e-commerce experience, and improved brand awareness. As the world becomes increasingly mobile, businesses that invest in mobile apps will be well-positioned to stay competitive and succeed in today’s market.

The post Why Should You Have a Mobile App for Your Business appeared first on Creativ Digital.

from Creativ Digital https://ift.tt/nNkFJqb

Best UX Practices for Ecommerce Stores

Ecommerce stores are facing a lot of competition. With the rise in popularity of online shopping and the growth in online retail, there’s no doubt that ecommerce is a booming industry. But how do you stand out from your competitors?

One way is by having an effective user experience (UX). In fact, according to research conducted by Google and McKinsey & Company through surveys with more than 2 million people worldwide,

UX is one of the most important factors for customer satisfaction outside of price or product quality—and it also impacts sales.

This is why you need to know about the best UX practices for ecommerce stores.

Simple Home Page Design

The home page of your ecommerce store is the first thing that visitors see, so it’s important to make sure they’re greeted with a pleasurable experience. The layout should provide a clear and concise overview of the brand and products, followed by a clear call-to-action (CTA). This will encourage people to click through from their search results or go straight to your product pages.

The homepage should also be easy to navigate, making it easy for shoppers to find what they’re looking for quickly. Lastly, make sure the design looks appealing, no one wants an ugly website.

Use Grid Product Search Layout

The grid view is more compact and so allows you to show more products above the fold. It is potentially easier to browse through many results using this format.

Grids have so many uses from helping to align and balance your designs, to helping you achieve cool effects like diagonal typography. They’re really so much more than just some lines on a page, they structure, guide, and shape your design in a way that helps you to achieve your desired end result.

Informative Product Details

Product detail pages are a great way to give your customers all the information they need to make their purchase. They should be easy to navigate, and have a clean layout that provides all the necessary details on each product.

The best ecommerce stores will have a clear hierarchy of information so that you can easily find what you’re looking for within seconds of visiting the page.

Easy and Straightforward Checkout Process

The checkout page is one of the most important pages on your ecommerce store. It’s where customers go to make their purchase, so it needs to be easy and straightforward. When designing this page, consider these things:

  • Make sure that there are no unnecessary elements on the page that distract from the shopping process. You want everything you need in plain sight without having to click around or scroll down too much.
  • Try not to have too many fields asking for additional information. Your users will appreciate being able to get through as quickly as possible.
  • Make the checkout process as easy as possible. You should also consider guest checkout for faster transactions.

Feedback for Customers

The feedback loop for customers is a way to improve the customer experience. This can be done in many ways, but one of the most common ways is by allowing customers to provide feedback about your product or service.

  • Customers can give you ideas for new products that you might not have thought about, or even improved on some existing ones. You may also find out about different ways of doing things that could make your store run smoother and more efficiently than before.
  • Customers will be able to point out any issues they have with your website or application, so it’s important that these are addressed quickly and efficiently so as not create frustration among users who may just want help finding information quickly without having their time wasted unnecessarily (and this includes both internal staff members as well).

Easy Login and Sign-Up Page

  • Make it easy to login and sign up.
  • Use a simple design.
  • Use a single column layout for your sign-up form, so that you can add more fields as needed later on (e.g., when you want to allow users to upload photos).
  • Keep it simple by only allowing one field for email address, password, username in this section of your website:

User Profiles (User Persona)

User profiles (also known as user personas) are a key part of your ecommerce store’s design strategy. They are meant to help you better understand your customers and their needs, which will help you create products that meet those needs.

This can be useful for content marketing purposes. You can use them to create internal campaigns that focus on specific groups of people who share similar interests or demographics as those who visit your site regularly. This will allow you to target these users with relevant content and ads without having to spend money on advertising or creating an entirely new audience from scratch.

A Well-Designed UX Impacts Sales

The user experience is a key differentiator between you and your competitors. It’s not just about the design, it’s about the entire experience. Good UX leads to higher sales, which in turn helps you make more money. The good news is that there are many things you can do to improve your ecommerce store’s user experience:

  • Make sure every page on your site has a clear purpose, meaning that users know what they need to do next when they arrive at it (e.g., sign up for an account or purchase something). This will help them navigate through their journey faster and make better decisions throughout their visit with your brand—and ultimately save time for both parties involved in the transaction process.
  • Make use of animation whenever possible; this will add depth and visual interest without distracting from content being displayed by other elements on screen – especially when used strategically across multiple areas within pages, websites or apps.

Final Word

Ecommerce stores are a vital part of any business. You don’t have to sell the most expensive or popular products, but having an ecommerce store gives you the opportunity to sell anything at all. So how do you make sure your ecommerce store is successful? The answer is simple: have a well-designed user experience.

The post <strong>Best UX Practices for Ecommerce Stores</strong> appeared first on Creativ Digital.

from Creativ Digital https://ift.tt/fRF1qSd

Wednesday, January 25, 2023

How To Make TikTok Videos That Drive Sales

TikTok is one of the most popular social media platforms in the planet today. It’s a video-sharing platform that’s been around for about seven years. TikTok has over 1 billion monthly active users, and it’s currently valued at more than $50 billion.

The app lets anyone create a profile, upload videos to their channel, and follow other people who also use it. Users can also make music videos on the app using their mobile phone or computer webcam.

You can create videos on TikTok using your phone, tablet or an external camera device. Once you’ve finished recording your video, you can post it on the app for everyone to see.

The app is being used not only by people who want to share videos but by businesses too. The use it to drive sales, get more traffic and boost engagement.

If you’re thinking about using TikTok to drive sales, we have some tips for you.

Use TikTok to drive traffic to your store

Social media platforms like Facebook, Instagram, Twitter and YouTube remain popular options for businesses to connect with customers. However, you should also consider TikTok due to its immense reach. The social media company has more than 100 million monthly users in the U.S. and 800 million monthly users globally. 

With so many people hooked on TikTok’s short and creative videos, the platform can provide opportunities for businesses to connect with a young, engaged audience. The potential to sell on the app is immense which is why businesses should leverage the platform to their advantage.

Make the video fun and engaging for your audience

All the popular TikTok videos have a sense of creativity and fun. Famous TikTok stars frequently participate in dance challenges, pair unique footage to hit songs, perform stunts and tell witty jokes.

While businesses will not necessarily want to copy these tactics exactly when driving sales, they will want to tap into their creative side when making TikTok videos.  For example, if you’re a restaurant, you could use your presence to teach how to make particular recipes to tease your skills, pair footage of you making food with songs or sharing content produced by your customers that feature your dishes.

One example of a food brand that may provide inspiration is Chipotle, which has amassed more than a million followers for its irreverent videos.

Provide useful information and ideas

You can also make your video more useful by providing useful information and ideas. This is a good way to stand out from the competition because it helps you deliver something that people need, as well as something new or different than what they’re used to seeing in their feed.

  • Tips and tricks: If you have any special skills or knowledge that could help someone achieve success with TikTok videos, share them. Give tips on how to make better use of certain features on the app (such as how to add music or filters), what equipment will give best results, etc.
  • Recipes: If there are any specific recipes that go along with your brand or product line—for example, if you sell cake decorations—then consider making a tutorial video showing how easy it is for anyone who loves baking cakes but doesn’t have much experience yet.
  • Tutorials: Tutorials are another great way for businesses looking into getting started with sharing content through TikTok since these types of videos offer step-by-step instructions about how exactly one should go about doing things like creating an account or uploading photos/videos into their channel).

Take Advantage of Popular Hashtags

  • Use popular hashtags to get more attention for your brand.
  • Keep the hashtag short and simple.
  • Hashtags can be used in the title, description and comments of your video.

Engage with influencers to get more attention for your brand

If you want to drive more sales and get the most out of your TikTok videos, consider engaging with influencers. Influencers are people who have a large following on the app, so they can help you reach their audience and gain more views and likes.

If an influencer agrees to promote your brand, it’s likely that they’ll pay for that promotion themselves—so this is not something for just anybody. You might also be able to collaborate with them on projects together: maybe one of the things you offer as part of your partnership would be a free trial membership (or some other incentive).

Collect user-generated testimonials

Surveys, polls and questionnaires are great ways to get your audience talking about the product they love. But what if you want to give them an opportunity to show off their own experience with your brand?

TikTok videos can help here too. You can ask users directly in the video if they would recommend our product or service, or even through text messages (if they’re on iOS). The best part? Users who give positive feedback will be incentivized by earning points that can be redeemed later on for extra customization options like stickers and backgrounds.

TikTok can be an effective way to engage with customers and generate sales

TikTok is a popular social media platform that allows you to create short videos. It’s also easy to use, and users love it because they can share their content with their friends and family.

The platform can be an effective way to engage with customers and generate sales. For example, if you’re selling shoes on your website (like Zappos), then posting a video about how comfortable the shoes are could help convince them to buy from you instead of another company that doesn’t have footwear in stock yet.

Final Thoughts

TikTok has over 1 billion users who post videos every day, making it an ideal way to reach your target audience and generate sales. Consistently posting on TikTok can help you reach your traffic and sales goals.

The post <strong>How To Make TikTok Videos That Drive Sales</strong> appeared first on Creativ Digital.

from Creativ Digital https://ift.tt/uQ47IqP

Tuesday, January 24, 2023

How To Get Higher Live Stream Engagement

Live streaming has become an essential part of marketing strategy for many businesses. It gives you a chance to reach and engage with potential customers, while demonstrating your product or service in an authentic way. But it’s not enough to just stream your content; you also need to engage with your audience at the same time.

To boost engagement during your live streams, here are some strategies that have worked for other brands:

What Is A Live Stream

Live streams are a form of video that can be viewed by anyone at any time. You may have seen live streams on YouTube or Facebook, but they’re also an important part of many social media platforms—and now you can use them to increase your engagement with your audience.

Live streaming is when people stream their own videos, usually done through their webcam directly from the internet to viewers who tune in from all over the world. This allows for more interaction between users and creators because it gives them greater control over how they want their streams broadcasted, as well as greater flexibility when scheduling broadcasts.

Reasons To Add Video Streaming To Your Marketing Strategy Now

Investing in live streaming now means you have the opportunity to win in the marketplace as an innovator and not a follower.

This result reveals that live streaming video experiences can become profitable for you.

This is why so many YouTubers and other online content creators encourage their viewers to like and comment on their videos. These technique is a proven way to grow your audience.

You don’t have to improvise all your sessions. You can have a rough script so that you have a plan to follow as you do your live.

Live stream content must be part of your marketing strategy if your target audience includes consumers who belong in this age bracket.

This pattern is especially true in industries like apparel, fashion, and beauty, where a video demonstration adds value. It can be difficult to imagine if a piece of clothing or makeup is right for you without live video. Seeing a popular influencer try out your products can make a big difference in conversion rates.

Live streaming deserves a place in your strategy to grow engagement in your online events. You probably already have plenty of content ideas especially if your company has already published successful social media posts, blog posts, and other forms of content. 

How To Boost Engagement During Live Stream

Here are some strategies to use so you can boost engagement during a live stream

Set Marketing Goals You Want to Achieve 

Before you start, it’s important to determine what your goals are for the live stream. Are you hoping for more viewers? Do you want to increase engagement with specific social media platforms? Or perhaps you’d like to grow your audience by gaining new subscribers. Whatever the case may be, knowing why and how these things will help improve your business is key in setting realistic expectations.

Setting goals before beginning a live stream can help give structure and direction, while also helping ensure that they’re attainable with little time or effort required for those involved.

If this sounds like something that would work well for someone else looking at starting their own live streams too, keep reading.

Start With Content That Works for Your Audience

Most people make the mistake of trying to do too much at once. If you’re not sure what your audience wants, or if they don’t fit into any of your categories, it can be difficult to figure out how best to present yourself online.

The best way we have found is simply asking questions and then listening carefully as the answers come back. For example: What kind of content do you like? What platforms do you use regularly? How often do you watch live streams on social media sites like Twitter and Facebook?

Once you know these things about who they are as a person and where they spend their time online, then it’s easy enough for tell viewers what works best for them.

If you want to get more engagement on your live stream, invite a popular influencer to join you.

The best way to do this is by using the influencer’s audience. They will be happy to help boost your engagement and content, which is a win-win situation for everyone involved.

Use Incentives, Urgency and Deadlines

  • Use Incentives to Encourage Engagement

If you want your audience to engage with your live stream, it’s important that you incentivize them. This can be done in a number of ways: by offering prizes, or giving away something valuable like tickets or merchandise. For example, if you have a gaming stream that involves playing League of Legends and other popular games such as Hearthstone or Overwatch then giving away skins for each game played could work well for encouraging engagement from the viewers.

  • Use Urgency To Encourage Engagement

Urgency is another way that social media platforms such as Facebook and Twitter have been able to encourage engagement among their users because they give users an incentive (such as likes) when they share content that has been posted within 24 hours of being created by someone else on their platform.

This creates urgency since there are less chances of getting those likes once again so therefore users will want more than just being able to share things but also get recognition from others who see this content shared around them via “likes” which gives more exposure than just simply sharing posts themselves would do alone without having any other way besides liking them again later down line after seeing how well received they were originally received back then before now too.

Get Inspiration from Other Live Streams

You can’t be successful unless you’re inspired by other people.

There are lots of different ways to get ideas for your content, but the best way is to look at what works for other live streamers and try not to copy it exactly. Instead, use the knowledge gathered from watching other channels as inspiration in order to create something unique that fits with your personality and style of broadcasting.

Measure And Optimize Your Live Stream

Once you’ve set up your live stream, it’s important to measure and optimize your efforts. Use the right metrics to measure success, and make sure that the platform you’re using has analytics tools built-in or available through an API. Also look for platforms that allow you to collect email addresses so that you can send out emails after a show has aired.

When it comes time to optimize your live streams, consider what type of content works best for each specific audience segment. For example: If someone is watching a gaming event but they’re not interested in hearing about what games are being played during gameplay footage—or even if they might not care at all—you could choose instead to focus on relevant topics around games like “How did we get here?” or “What makes this one game stand out from others?”

Select Your Live Stream Platform

Now that you’ve chosen your niche, it’s time to select a platform. The first thing to consider is the platform’s ease of use. You’ll want a live stream platform that has an easy-to-use interface and simple set up process so you can get started right away without any wasted time or effort.

Next, look at how large its community is—the more active it is, the better. A large community means there are more opportunities for interaction between viewers and hosts alike. Think about what kind of interaction would work best for you in your specific niche market: maybe a question-and-answer chat room where people ask questions about their favorite topics? Maybe some paid advertising options such as sponsorships.

Finally, check out whether they offer affordable services like cloud storage or analytics tools so they don’t cost much money upfront but still pay off over time by helping increase engagement levels among viewers who might otherwise leave after just one watch session.


The live streaming market is booming, with more than 3 billion hours of video being watched on Facebook every day and half a million people watching live streams on YouTube every hour. But while this content is increasing in popularity, it’s also becoming harder to engage with and get higher engagement rates.

The post How To Get Higher Live Stream Engagement appeared first on Creativ Digital.

from Creativ Digital https://ift.tt/uesCZPU

Thursday, January 19, 2023

React Websites: Tips to Make Them SEO-Friendly

If you’re a web developer, you’ve probably heard about the benefits of using React. But if you haven’t yet tried it, it can be hard to get started. In this article, we’ll cover some best practices for making your React website SEO-friendly so that your site will rank well in search engines like Google and Bing.

Isomorphic React Apps

With isomorphic JavaScript, you could work with React JS software and fetch the rendered HTML report that’s commonly rendered through the browser. This HTML report is being performed for everybody who attempts to look for the unique app, in conjunction with Google bots.

When it involves client-aspect scripting, the software can use this HTML report and continue to function the identical on the browser. The information is added using JavaScript if required, the isomorphic app still stays dynamic. Isomorphic programs make sure that the customer is able to perform the scripts or not. While JavaScript isn’t always active, the code is rendered on the server, and the browser can fetch all of the meta tags and text in HTML and CSS files.

However, growing real-time isomorphic programs is such a difficult and complicated task. But in Isomorphic apps, these frameworks can make the system faster and simpler: Gatsby and Next.js.

Gatsby is an open-source compiler that permits developers to create robust and scalable web applications. But its largest issue is that it does not provide server-side rendering. It generates a static website after which creates HTML files to save it in the cloud.

Next.js is the framework of React that allows developers create React programs without any hindrance. It also allows automated code splitting and hot code reloading, too.

RAD Tools


Before we get into the best practices, let’s talk about what pre-rendering is.

Pre-rendering is when you create a template for your site and then render it on both the client and server. The idea behind this strategy is that by rendering on both ends of the process, it makes it easier to scale up or down as needed. For instance, if someone views your website from their phone, they don’t need all of those fancy features.

One of the biggest benefits of pre-rendering over just rendering on the client side alone is that there’s no need for complex code or libraries—just use React Native. You won’t have any issues with browser compatibility either since everything will run through NodeJS instead of being processed in each individual browser tab like with other types of JavaScript frameworks like Angular 2/4 etc.

Building static or dynamic web applications

Static web applications are easier to maintain, scale and secure. They are also faster as they don’t need a database or a server to run on. The most important thing about static websites is that they don’t contain any code which can be changed easily by hackers. That means that if you build a website using React, you will have less chances of vulnerability than building one with Angular or VueJS or any other framework.

URL case

Google bots always consider some pages separate when their URLs have lowercase or uppercase see: /Invision and /invision.

Now, these two URLs will be considered different due to the difference in their case. For avoiding these common blunders, always try to generate your URL in lowercase.

404 Code

Be it any page with an error in the data, they all run a 404 code. So, try to set up files in server.js and route.js as soon as you can. Updating the files with server.js or route.js can relatively augment traffic on your web app or website.

Try not to use hashed URLs

Well, this is not the major issue but the Google bot does not see anything after the hash in URLs. For example:

Google bot is generally not going to see it after the hash, https:/domain.com/ is enough for the bot to crawl it.

Use <a href> only if required

A general error with SPAs is using a <div> or a <button> to change the URL. This is not a problem with React itself, but how the library is used. 

But the issue is about the search engines, Google bots process a URL, and they search for more URLs to crawl within <a href> elements.

If the <a href> element is not found, Google bots will not crawl the URLs and pass PageRank.

What we can do is we can define links with <a href> for the Google bot to see the fetch the other pages and go through them.

Final Thoughts

The higher a website ranks, the more traffic it gets and ultimately, the better chances of conversion. If you’re looking for JavaScript libraries that allow your website to be SEO-Friendly, the React JS should be your top choice.

The post React Websites: Tips to Make Them SEO-Friendly appeared first on Creativ Digital.

from Creativ Digital https://ift.tt/JFN4z1e

Wednesday, January 18, 2023

Instagram Trends for 2023

As the world continues to shift at a rapid pace, Instagram has remained an important part of our day-to-day lives. It’s a platform that we use for both personal and professional reasons, but there are certain trends on Instagram that we need to keep an eye on in the coming year.

Here are some of my predictions for what will happen on Instagram in 2023:

Content is Still King

Social media strategies are built around content, and it’s the foundation of any successful social media marketing strategy. Content is what your audience wants to see, and it’s what they need to see in order for you to achieve engagement with them.

If you don’t have enough quality content on your site, chances are that people won’t be coming back or even following you on Instagram. You can use this insight into what kind of information people want from their feeds when creating new posts for future campaigns so that they’re more likely than not going to engage with them in some way—and hopefully bring along new followers along with them when they do.

The Rise of the Reels

Reels are a way to tell a story. They’re like movie trailers, but for real life.

They can be used to promote products and services, but they can also be used in conjunction with other social media channels like Instagram or Facebook.

More Live Content

Live video can be used for a variety of purposes, but it’s most commonly used to connect with your audience and build trust. You might use live video for Q&A sessions, behind the scenes content or product launches.

Live videos are also great for giveaways and other promotions because they allow you to interact directly with viewers in real time. This makes them more engaging than other types of videos which can’t be followed on social media platforms like Instagram or Facebook because posts are only visible after being shared by users who have liked their post (or friended them).


More In-App Shopping

E-commerce is the future of Instagram, and it’s already happening. A study by The Largest Retailers and Branding Experts in America revealed that 85% of consumers are more likely to buy something online than they are at brick-and-mortar stores.

Instagram has a lot of users (1 billion monthly active users) who are young and tech savvy, making them prime candidates for ecommerce products like your own line or product design shop on Instagram. You can use your influence as an influencer or brand ambassador to promote these types of businesses as well.

More Focus on Instagram Video

Video is the future of social media, and it’s no surprise that more and more brands are starting to pay attention. Instagram has been around for a long time, but video content is on the rise in terms of engagement and discovery.

Instagram users spend an average of two hours per day watching videos—and they’re loving it. In fact, research from Pixable shows that users who watch at least one video every week are 60% more likely than those who don’t watch any videos at all (or even just 1) to buy from your brand or business.

Video is so important because it allows brands to reach people where they want them—on their phones—and engage with them however they choose: not only through text but also through images like photos or GIFs; not only as long-form content but also short bursts; not only in sound but also silence. The possibilities are endless.

AI Content Recommendations

AI algorithms are a great way to cut through the noise and find the best content for you, but they can also be a little overwhelming. If you want to get started with AI, there are some great resources on how it works and what kind of results you can expect from it.

Crackdown on Misinformation

Instagram is cracking down on misinformation. The social media platform has been plagued by fake accounts and false content for years, but it’s recently begun taking a more aggressive stance against them.

Instagram will remove posts that go against its community guidelines and delete pages that have been flagged as spammy or doing things like selling products or services via the platform. In addition to these changes, the company plans to make it easier for users to report false stories through an improved reporting interface (which you can access here).

More Diversity

You can expect to see more diversity in the people who use Instagram, as well as the types of content they share and recommend to you. This is because the world is shifting and becoming more inclusive not only in regards to race but gender as well.

Expect to see a lot of posts that include not only people of color but also people that belong to the LGBTQIA+ community. As the world is slowly understanding that diversity is important, you can also expect to see this reflected in social media including Instagram.

How a business website can maximize sales?

Increase of Meme Marketing

Memes are a great way to engage with your audience. They can be used as a way to promote your brand, get people to interact with your content and/or product and even help you stand out from the competition.

Memes are all about engagement. You want them to stay on their phones longer than other posts on Instagram (which means more time spent reading) so that they come back for more content down the road…and then share it with others.

Encourage Engagement

Engagement is key to success on Instagram. If you want your followers to engage with your content, then you need to make sure they find it engaging.

You can achieve engagement by posting engaging content and using hashtags that are relevant to the conversation at hand. You should also consider using the right caption for each post or video, as well as choosing filters that will help spark conversation around what you’re sharing.

Bottom Line

These are only some of the trends we can expect to see on Instagram. The platform is still growing, and it has so many possibilities. You’re going to see more live content, more engagement with users, and more visuals. We also predict that there will be more focus on video content as well as AI-based recommendations for people who want more personalized experiences on their feed. We hope these predictions prove true.

The post <strong>Instagram Trends for 2023</strong> appeared first on Creativ Digital.

from Creativ Digital https://ift.tt/KqpvrlS

Thursday, January 12, 2023

Hottest Web Development Trends For 2023

The world of web development is always changing and to stay ahead of the game, you need to keep up with the latest trends. In this post, I’ll show you some of my personal predictions for web development in 2023. Let’s get started.

UX is the Key

The key to success for web development is to focus on user experience. UX is the way in which a product makes you feel, and it’s more important than ever for your website to have a good UX. You can hire an expert in UX, or you can do it yourself—either way, your site will be better off for it.

UX has become increasingly important over the years. It refers to the overall experience that users have when interacting with your website or app, and it includes things like navigation, usability and aesthetics. The goal is to make sure that every interaction with your site is as easy as possible for your visitors—this will help them accomplish their goals more efficiently and effectively.

Voice Search

Voice search will be more popular in 2023. Search engines will use AI to improve speech recognition, which means that you’ll be able to find information by speaking your query rather than typing it in. Voice searches will also be used for more than just searching for information—they’ll help you control devices and apps, for example.

Voice AI is already being used by companies like Amazon and Google—and there’s plenty of room for growth here.

The research firm Gartner predicts that by 2020, 80% of customer interactions will be managed without a human agent. This means that automated systems and AI will be used to answer questions and provide information.


Chatbots are a way to interact with users. They can be used for customer service, sales or marketing purposes.

They can be used with voice assistants like Alexa and Google Home as well as chat apps like Messenger and WhatsApp.

They can be programmed to perform basic tasks or even go as far as developing artificial intelligence. The main use of chatbots is to automate repetitive tasks and provide information quickly. For example, a user could ask a bot for directions to the nearest train station, or order flowers from a florist.

Artificial Intelligence & Machine Learning

AI is the future of web development and it will help you make better decisions, find patterns in data and automate repetitive tasks. The possibilities are endless.

AI is the future of web development and it will help you make better decisions, find patterns in data and automate repetitive tasks. AI is a branch of computer science that deals with intelligent behavior, capable of perceiving its environment and taking actions that maximize its chances of success.


Cybersecurity is a major concern for businesses these days. As more and more people turn to the internet for their daily needs, it’s important that you see how your website can be compromised by cybercriminals.

To protect against these threats, there are a few things you should do:

  • Keep your data secure by using strong passwords and two-factor authentication (2FA).
  • Make sure that only authorized users have access to the databases you store on your server or cloud storage service provider. This will help prevent unauthorized access even if someone gets hold of your password or 2FA codes

In addition, make sure that you’re always up-to-date with the latest security patches and software updates. This will help prevent any known vulnerabilities from being exploited by cyber criminals.

Push Notifications & Messages

Push notifications are a way to notify users about news or information. They can be used to drive user engagement, purchases, and retention.

For instance, if you have an app that lets people write reviews of products they’ve purchased in your store, you could use push notifications to send them reminders when there’s new content available for reading on the product page. You can also use push notifications as an opportunity for cross-promotion between your company and other brands in order for users who already like one platform (in this case reviews) will likely also enjoy seeing ads from another platform (in this case ads).

Push notifications are a great way to keep your users engaged with your brand. If you’re looking for ways to use them effectively, consider these best practices: Push notifications should be timely and relevant. For example, if you’re sending a push notification about an event that’s happening in one week, don’t send it today.

Mobile Payments & E-Commerce

Mobile payments are growing rapidly, and they’re expected to grow by 20% in 2023. In fact, mobile payments are expected to reach $1 trillion by 2023 — with grocery stores being the biggest beneficiaries of this trend.

Mobile payments will be used for everything from shopping online and at retail stores, paying bills and managing finances on your phone or tablet (such as checking account balances), booking travel tickets through mobile apps like Uber or Lyft and even paying your credit card bill, buying concert tickets at last minute or reserving hotel rooms during peak season — all while you’re on the go.

Mobile payments have many benefits for businesses, including a higher customer satisfaction rate (83%), increased revenue (5%) and reduced cash handling costs. Mobile payments are also more secure than traditional payment methods like cash and checks — which is why they’re expected to increase in popularity over the next few years.

Scalability & Performance Optimization

The Web is a dynamic and evolving medium, which means it’s constantly changing. As a developer, you will be expected to keep up with what’s going on in the web development scene and adapt your skills accordingly.

The first thing that comes to mind when we think of scalability is how we can make our websites or apps load faster or scale better than they already do. It has become an essential part of any successful business today because many companies are competing against each other for customers’ attention on social media platforms like Facebook and Instagram.

In addition, there are also new technologies such as AR/VR (augmented reality) being introduced by companies like Apple which means consumers will expect more from their products at lower prices compared with traditional ones produced by traditional means such as factories; however, this doesn’t mean that online businesses should ignore security issues because hackers have been targeting them since long ago.

Blockchain Technology

Blockchain is a distributed ledger technology that stores records of transactions using cryptocurrency. It’s similar to the way a database works in traditional software, but it uses distributed data storage and verification rather than centralized servers.

Blockchain is accessed through a peer-to-peer network, which makes it decentralized. This means all users have equal access to the information stored on the blockchain and can view or edit it as they please—no one party has control over who sees what data.

This openness makes it possible for anyone with an internet connection to participate in this type of digital record keeping system, which could revolutionize how we do business online today as well as what kind of services we offer our customers.

Bottom Line

2023 will be the year that new technology will transform the way businesses interact with clients. These emerging technologies will not only make our lives easier, but it can also help you boost user engagement. Adopting these new technologies can make your website more competitive and offer better UX.  

The post <strong>Hottest Web Development Trends For 2023</strong> appeared first on Creativ Digital.

from Creativ Digital https://ift.tt/s9fOqlM

Wednesday, January 11, 2023

Mobile App Development Trends for 2023

Today, mobile apps are becoming more and more popular. They’re used by millions of people every day, but how will they change in 2023? That’s what we’re here to discuss today. We’ll be going over ten of the most important trends that will affect the future of mobile app development.

Mobile apps are going to become a part of our daily lives.

The number of mobile apps has grown every year and that number is expected to continue growing through 2023 as well. In fact, according to statistics from IDC, the world’s largest technology market research firm, there were more than 1 billion active users in 2018 alone—up from 500 million just four years earlier. And this doesn’t even include all the people who use their smartphones or tablets for other purposes (for example: playing games). As you can see by these numbers alone it’s clear that mobile devices are becoming an integral part of modern life—and they’re only getting bigger and better over time.

Top 10 Mobile App Development Trends in 2023

Agile Methodology

Agile methodology is an incremental model of app development. The project is developed and released in incremental stages or versions. It provides lots of opportunities to the developers to assess whether the app is moving in the right direction all throughout the development cycle.

The main idea behind agile methodologies is to deliver working products quickly by breaking down large projects into smaller chunks that can be completed in shorter periods of time. In an agile project team members are required to make decisions quickly so they can improve their progress towards completion.

Accelerated mobile pages

Accelerated mobile pages (AMP) are a new standard for making webpages load faster on phones. They’re a subset of HTML, so you’ll need to know how to code them if you want to use them on your own website.

Accelerated mobile pages use a stripped-down version of JavaScript, which makes them ideal for small sites or apps that don’t need more functionality than what AMP can provide. However, unlike with other technologies like Progressive Web Applications (PWA), there’s no standard way for developers to add support for accelerated mobile pages in their websites’ master files—so even though most browsers have adopted this technology by now and support it natively, many developers still don’t know what they are or how best use them when building websites or apps.

Artificial Intelligence

Artificial intelligence (AI) is the future of mobile apps. AI will be used to create new apps and improve existing ones, as well as make your user experience even better, personalize it based on their needs, and increase security by creating personalized security measures.

The use of AI in mobile apps is already becoming more common as developers try to find creative ways to incorporate the technology into their projects. For example:

  • Personalization: The ability for an app to tailor its content based on how you use it or what type of device you’re using (mobile phone versus tablet). This can include things like showing different ads depending on which version of an app you’re using or making recommendations based off past purchases made through one platform instead another.
  • Security: Protecting information from prying eyes by encrypting sensitive data before storing it locally or sending it over the internet; this means keeping private information safe while still allowing users access features like downloading music onto devices without sharing passwords

Progressive Web Apps (PWA)

PWA is a new technology that allows developers to create apps that behave like native apps. It’s not just a new technology, it’s also a new way of thinking about app development. In other words, it’s all about being more mobile-friendly than ever before.


Chatbots are computer programs that use natural language processing (NLP) to respond in ways similar to how humans would. They can be used for a variety of purposes, such as customer service and sales, but they’re especially popular with businesses because they can increase engagement and improve conversion rates by answering questions without having to call a human agent.

In fact, the number of companies using chatbots has increased dramatically over the past few years—and there’s no sign of slowing down. One estimate put it at 1 billion in 2018 alone; another predicted that number will reach 2 billion by 2021 (and maybe even 3 billion if you’re feeling optimistic). If this trend continues unabated—and I’m inclined to agree based on recent data points like Google AdWords’ announcement about its AI-powered “Chatbase” platform which enables businesses across industries including retail, healthcare, finance & insurance, etcetera.


Near field communication (NFC) – Beacons Technology

Near field communication (NFC) is a short-range wireless technology that enables the exchange of information between two devices in close proximity. NFC can be used for mobile payments, as well as data sharing among smart devices.

NFC is a subset of RFID technology, which uses radio signals to emit and receive signals from an RFID chip or tag when placed near another tag with similar characteristics. This allows consumers to use their smartphones near field sensors to make purchases using their wallets without having to take out cash or credit cards from their pockets; instead, they can simply tap on an object with their phone and pay using just one swipe.

Integration of Virtual Reality and Augmented Reality

Virtual reality (VR) is a digital environment that can be experienced with a headset, and augmented reality (AR) is a system that superimposes computer-generated images on top of the physical world. Both VR and AR have been used to create realistic experiences for users in video games, entertainment, education and training.

The market for mobile app development will continue to be driven by technology trends such as artificial intelligence (AI), machine learning algorithms, big data analytics and cloud computing. These technologies are being used within mobile apps to improve user experience while keeping costs low.

Internet of Things (IoT)

The internet of things (IoT) is a term that’s been around for decades, but it’s only recently become something we can actually see and hear about. The IoT refers to devices connected to the internet that collect data about their environment and send it back out into the world. Think of how many times you’ve plugged in your phone charger or plugged in a lamp; these are examples of connected devices in your home or office that are collecting information about themselves and sending it out into the cloud via Wi-Fi networks or cellular towers.

The most common use cases for IoT today are smart homes where appliances connect with each other via an app on a user’s phone (or tablet). For example: if you want bread at breakfast time but don’t feel like getting up from bed yet because there’s still some work left before noon arrives—you can tell your oven lightbulb by using Amazon Alexa through Echo speakers so she knows when lunchtime has arrived.

On-Demand Apps

On-demand apps are an interesting concept that can be used in a variety of situations. On-demand apps allow users to run applications without downloading them, thus saving space on their device and preventing additional data charges. This makes on-demand apps ideal for individuals who don’t want to pay for every app they use or have limited bandwidth available as they travel across different networks.

On-demand apps are also beneficial for businesses that want to distribute information quickly but don’t want it downloaded onto their computers or devices before being used by employees during work hours, such as salespeople in retail stores who need access only when needed (for example, when placing orders).

Wearable apps

We’re going to talk about wearable apps in this section of the article. Wearable devices are used to track your health, fitness and well-being from a user’s perspective. These devices include smartwatches, fitness trackers and activity trackers.

Wearables have become popular because they can help people stay active by providing them with real-time feedback on their performance during workouts or other activities. This can be especially useful for those who want an easy way for tracking their progress in losing weight or improving their overall health status.

By 2023, mobile apps will be more widespread than ever before

The fact is that mobile apps have come a long way since their inception. In 2019, there are over 2 billion active users globally and an estimated 2.6 billion smartphone users worldwide. As these numbers grow and more people adopt smartphones, it’s no surprise that mobile app development is becoming more popular than ever before.

According to research by Statista (2018), the number of smartphone owners has increased from 1 billion in 2010 to 2 billion in 2017—a growth rate of 50%. This means there will be even more people who want access to your app or website via their phones.

Bottom Line

Mobile apps are becoming more and more popular, and the trend is only going to continue in the next few years. There are so many new trends emerging from different parts of society that it’s hard to keep track of them all—but we’ve done our best. From artificial intelligence to chatbots and wearables, there is no doubt that mobile apps will play an essential role for businesses in 2023.

The post <strong>Mobile App Development Trends for 2023</strong> appeared first on Creativ Digital.

from Creativ Digital https://ift.tt/sFU3Byh

Thursday, January 5, 2023

UX Design Principles for 2023

UX design is a very broad field that is constantly evolving. It welcomes fresh ideas from new design practitioners all the time. UX design principles are at the core of making your UX design appreciated and successful among users.

However, 2023 is here and as we usher in the new year, we also welcome new design principles you need to consider for future projects.

User-Centric Design 

UX designers usually hold themselves to a high standard and want to come up with the best product. This kind of thinking causes them to design an app that only considers their preferences and not the users’.

However, a good UX design is user-centric. UX designers have to remember to design for the users. This means considering their wants, pain points, opinion, choices and needs. UX designers need to invest more time getting to know their consumers and what they want in a product.


Users want consistency. They want something that’s familiar. When you give them familiarity and consistency, they will enjoy using the product.

This is great news for designers because it means you don’t have to reinvent the wheel for every part of the customer journey. It might be tempting to try something new or bold but using the principle of consistency means you should stick to standard patterns for most of the design.


Accessibility in digital product design often refers to creating products that are simple for people with disabilities to use. We must ensure that as many people as possible can use our products since we build them with people in mind. Focusing on removing barriers that users may encounter when using the product, whether they are transient or more substantial, is a distinctive aspect of the responsibility of the UX designer. Following accessibility principles frequently enhances the user experience for all users since it directs us toward the best usable design, which is a wonderful bonus.

Placing labels outside of text entry areas rather to inside of them is an excellent illustration of how accessible design benefits everyone. This reminds all users what information belongs in each text field and enables screen readers to read them to users who are blind or visually impaired. The use of strong contrast between text and background colors also makes it easier for people to read text on a screen in low light conditions and for people who have visual impairments.

User Control

User control can take many different shapes in user experience design, but users often enjoy having great control over their actions and using your product. Allowing users to fix their mistakes is an essential component of user control.

For instance, a Cancel button must enable the user to exit the job after they begin creating a new item, such as an event or email. They can be useful for undoing an unwanted or accidental action by having an undo button.

Helping more advanced users increase their efficacy is another way to enhance user control. In this case, keyboard shortcuts can be useful. Additionally, macros and templates can aid users in doing repeated tasks more successfully. Users can transfer content by combining goods and features, and enhanced searching makes it easier for them to find what they’re looking for.

Interactive And User Experience Focused


Context plays a critical role in how consumers interact with your designs. Context in this case refers to concentrating on the platforms people can use to access your mobile application or website. It also emphasizes the significant increase in mobile web traffic.

Contextual design also entails putting a lot of other things in the forefront. Location is typically a contextual aspect, but there are other more to consider, including the users’ emotional state, their available time, and the device they will use. Once your design develops a strategy to improve the user experience, these factors may determine the users’ behavior.


Designers are cautious about the usability of their work for a number of reasons. The finest thing to give users is improved usability. It involves determining if your users can perform tasks with ease and whether your product is reliable and effective. If your product’s usability is poor, users may not be satisfied.

he primary difficulty for beginners is that black and white cannot be handled by usability. Numerous design teams adhere to various usability guidelines. With this UX design rule, the most important thing is that beginners understand the value and adaptability of usability in their activities.

Some teams adhere to stricter usability guidelines, which can be challenging to meet. Additionally, this ease allows design teams to set the bar very low, producing a product that is vulnerable to perplexed consumers or user disclaimers.


One of the best ways to make your users happy is through animation. They add movement to yoru website and give users a better experience. Animation can also help users know about your website’s functionality if done correctly. Most importantly it will help users keep small details in mind.

So think about that before skipping animation next time.


A UX designer’s main goal is to prevent mistakes. When users mistakenly delete a product or make payment, it makes for poor experience. Needing confirmation is an essential design factor and is one of the best ways to prevent these kinds of errors. Confirmation allows users to change or cancel an unintended action or give themselves a few moments to think about the next step.

For example, a confirmation screen can help them recheck order details before buying anything online. Another illustration is Gmail, which asks users to approve before permanently deleting mass emails.

Final Thoughts

A UX designer’s job is to find out what users require based on their action. UX design should not be about how they feel instead it should be about how it actually works.

UX design principles can come and go and will continue to evolve in the coming years. However, getting to know your users is still one of the best ways to serve the best user experience.

The post UX Design Principles for 2023 appeared first on Creativ Digital.

from Creativ Digital https://ift.tt/qBiL1e8

Sunday, January 1, 2023

8 Social Media Tips to Elevate Your Marketing Strategy on 2023 

Social media is a vital marketing strategy for leveraging the power of your business. It can help you grow and reach new customers. Social media helps bring a massive audience of customers closer together, bridging the gap between the company and their customer.

There is no doubt that social media marketing has numerous benefits for businesses. Did you know that an average user spends at least 2 hours and 28 minutes per day on social media? It is a good indication for businesses online to reach many potential consumers by leveraging the use of their online platforms. 

However, no matter how impressive your marketing strategy is on social media, if you have yet to consistently put your plans into action, you’ll be at a huge disadvantage in digital marketing.

It’s never too late to start improving your social media strategy. With these eight tips on making you a marketing rockstar in 2023, you’ll be able to create more effective social media campaigns and make your content more engaging.

1. Describe your goals 

Do you want to raise brand awareness, improve website traffic, or create leads? Once you’ve decided what you want, you can produce content and methods to assist you in getting there. 

Remember that your goals may change as you learn more about social media.

2. Know about your target audience

You must create material that appeals to your target audience in 2023 and understand what they expect from you. It will be easier for your audience to connect with you on social media if you know them, according to a study by the Social Media Marketing Institute (SMTI).

3. Create content for each platform

As social media becomes more popular, so does the importance of having a strong presence on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram. 

Here are some pointers to help you produce content that will work on all three platforms – regardless of your audience’s age or device attention span.

  • Use hashtags carefully 
  • Use images and videos
  • Keep it short and sweet

4. Develop posting schedules

Creating a social media post plan is vital for making the most of your time and ensuring your target audience sees your material.

Here are a few pointers to get you started:

  • Determine which platforms are most important for your business. If you are a B2B organization, Facebook may be more important than LinkedIn. 
  • Decide how often you want to post on each platform. For example, you can promote new blog articles or webinar announcements on LinkedIn every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday.

5. Interact with your audience

By tracking engagement, you can better understand what content is resonating with your audience and what isn’t. 

It allows you to make more informed decisions about your content strategy and ensure they reach your target audience. Some essential metrics include reach, impressions, clicks, and shares.

6. Use user-generated content

User-generated content is any content created and published by someone other than the brand or company. It can include anything from blog posts and reviews to social media posts and videos. The benefits of using UGC are numerous, as it helps build trust and credibility with potential customers.

7. Stay up to date with changes

Here are a few pointers to assist you in succeeding in social media planning in 2023:

  • Keep an eye out for new platforms – There’s always something new on social media, so it’s important to stay up to date.
  • Make good use of data – It’s no secret that social media evolves quickly. What was fashionable last year may be different this year. What is hot one year may be less popular the following year.
  • Keep your finger on the pulse of change – Be aware of what’s happening in social media and adjust accordingly.
  • Feel free to try new ideas – and see what works best for you and your company. If something doesn’t work, don’t be scared to modify it.

8. Be consistent 

Consistency is essential through regular posting or utilizing the same filters and hashtags.

Here are some pointers to help you develop an effective social media strategy:

  • Maintain consistency in your posts with your brand identity – Your followers should be able to recognize your content even if they see it out of context.
  • Use the same filter or set of filters for all your photographs – This will again help with brand identification and make your feed look more unified.
  • Use hashtags that are appropriate – Don’t overdo it. Otherwise, your content will appear spammy. And make sure they’re related to your brand and the post’s specific content.


All businesses need to develop a social media marketing strategy and manage their social accounts thoughtfully and systematically. With a robust social media presence, businesses will increase their website traffic, enhance their SEO, strengthen brand loyalty, boost customer satisfaction and more. Social media is constantly changing and with seemingly new trends emerging, these tips will help you develop your strategy and grow your audience.

The post 8 Social Media Tips to Elevate Your Marketing Strategy on 2023  appeared first on Creativ Digital.

from Creativ Digital https://ift.tt/mCMe2hR