Sunday, March 27, 2022

Why Is Web Development Important for Business Success

Research found that 46% of small businesses do not have a website. On the contrary, 97% of individuals use the internet to locate a local business. So, if your business doesn’t have a website, those 97/100 people won’t be able to find you and won’t know your identity. 

With everyone relying on the internet for access to essentials and supplies (such as food, clothing, appliances, and medicines, among other products  and services), website development has become more significant to the success of any business. Website development is one of the ways to ensure your business’s success by informing people about the products and services you provide, getting to know your potential customers better, and figuring out how to improve your product and service even more. 

It is no longer an option to have an online presence. We know how important it is today more than ever. In this blog, we’ll discuss how to understand consumer behaviour and develop web solutions that can generate optimal results. 

Building, creating, and maintaining websites are all part of website or web development services. It includes other aspects such as web design, web programming, web content development, web publishing and database management. So you certainly need to hire a top web development company. Here are more reasons why effective web development is critical for business growth:

Proving credibility 

People prefer to buy products and services from reputable businesses. Companies who have established a good reputation are ahead of their competition. Web development can help establish online credibility so that your customers can put their trust in you. The way you promote your company on the internet says a lot about how you work. With a website, you can showcase your skills, experience, products, services, credentials, and offline activities all in one place. You can post photos from a meeting, conference, company party, or any other noteworthy events on a website. This way, your target viewers will learn more about you. It will also indicate what type of business you are. Many individuals will respond positively to a nice business that cares about its employees. They would like to purchase goods and services from a company with strong morals and values. Website development can assist you in achieving your marketing objectives in a variety of ways. Even if the customer does not make a purchase right now, they will certainly remember you. Building credibility and trustworthiness is important for businesses to succeed in the online environment.

Increasing accessibility 

Web development enables businesses to be accessible anytime. It gives everyone a place to access the information they need when they need it. When you make your website accessible, you’re also giving people with disabilities the same opportunity to use it and participate with your company. This means your website can be used by anybody. When customers seek information about a company, a website with a contact form, a live chat, a comment section, or a phone number is a step in the right direction. This increases the likelihood of successfully closing the sale.

Expanding reach

Around 90% Australians use the internet these days. Expanding your reach can be as easy as setting up a website. Web development helps businesses in expanding their reach by attracting potential customers or leads. Testimonies about your product or service will be available through website development. These details help gain potential customers’’ trust and confidence in you. A well-designed website can help build an audience, target niche client bases, and rapidly return your investments. If your website is well-designed by a web developer like Creativ Digital and has an intuitive, high-functioning interface, your conversion rate can increase by 200-400 percent.

Ensuring good content 

Good content differentiates your website from the competition and sends the right message to your customers. The success of your website is mostly determined by its content. Your website’s content should always start with in-depth market research. To begin, you should determine who your high-value clients are and create personas for your website. Then you must decide how you will approach them. Customer-centric taglines and slogans are critical for attracting the attention of potential clients. Your audience will feel more welcome if your site’s content piques their interest. Your taglines should communicate a clear value proposition and incorporate a strong call to action. The key to a successful website is having simple, relevant and keyword-rich content that delivers the right message. The content on your website should be personalised to your target audience in order to engage them and persuade them to take action.

Maintaining brand identity 

A brand is much more than just a set of colours and a logo. A consistent brand identity impacts your product  and corporate culture as well as communicating your company’s purpose and values to customers. One way of doing this is by having a website that highlights your brand identity and gives your target audience something to connect with. A web design that is aligned to your brand identity can help ensure this. Colours and imagery, as well as text, can be used to convey your company’s story and establish brand identity. This allows your company to be recognised anywhere. 

Growing the business

Having a strong web presence is critical for long-term business success. Taking this into account, forward-thinking businesses are increasingly investing in web development in order to satisfy the demands of their tech-savvy customers. Website development helps improve your product and service and generate compelling sales and marketing strategies. It accurately analyses website information and data to assist businesses in making decisions. People don’t like it when online pages take a long time to load. Websites that take a long time to load are doomed to fail. Your audience will form an initial negative impression about your website if it appears unappealing or outdated. You can either persuade them to stay on your website and learn about your company, or you can persuade them to go to a competitor’s page. As such, if you want your website to make an impact, make sure your site performs smoothly and quickly on all devices.


About Creativ Digital 

We are a leading web development company in Sydney that specialises in website development,  software development, ecommerce web design, digital strategy, SEO and social media marketing. From creating custom websites to growing your online presence, Creativ Digital has what it takes to make your business successful.  


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from Creativ Digital

Thursday, March 17, 2022

Best Mobile Design Practices

It is true that mobile devices have become an essential part of our lives, but we don’t find all apps appealing. With over 2.22 million iOS apps and more than 3.48 million Android apps, the most useful apps are those that are easy to use.

Mobile app users prefer to use something that is natural. Apps that have smooth navigation and have an appealing interface are the most successful. This is why an app with a good UX design is important. After all, users want to use something that is not only nice to look at but also functional and user-friendly.

A good IU/UX design has a realistic feel and offers easy flow of essential data. If your app generates interest, it creates organic traffic which in turn increases conversion rates and boosting brand recognition.

What is Mobile UX Design?

A UX designer needs to understand user expectations and requirements. Mobile device users are expected to reach  6.9 billion in 2023 which is why learning the best mobile UX design practices is important.

Here are some of the best mobile UX practices for 2022.

Easy Navigation

Your app and its features are useless if users cannot discover them. Apps need to be engaging and easy to navigate.

Make sure that your app has easy to find elements that users can navigate from their screen. Make sure that your navigation menu is intuitive and does not occupy lots of screen real estate.


Always remember that screen size is limited on mobile devices. Therefore, keep everything to a minimal. Build a simple method for navigation, search or ease of use and usability. Avoid cluttering screens with different interface elements. Strive to achieve a balance between unique functionality and a basic design.

Universal Design

social media and mobile phone

A good UX design is a simple one. Users interact with their devices in different ways. However, the basic layout of design elements should stay the same all throughout different mobile devices.

For example, refrain from placing buttons at the top of the screen or in the corners. It’s best so put them in easy to reach places since many people use one hand to navigate their phones.

Make Scrolling Fun

Use horizontal scrolling for browsing through a catalog of products or showing data on an extended visual area that would normally not fit the screen. If there is more content available, give an indication of scrolling direction.

Clickable Buttons

Buttons make navigation easier but they also use up screen space which can negatively impact user experience.

Every OS has its button design options for better UX. In many cases, buttons of 44px height and 44px width work amazingly on every OS and mobile device.

Embrace Familiarity

Use standard and familiar icons and layouts to eliminate user learning curve. Make sure that every UI element has a function. For instance, use an envelope to signify message sending or a phone icon for calling. Always prioritize usability before creativity.

Provide User Support

Problems can crop up so make sure that users have a way to solve their queries. Use different methods for assistance within the app like chatbots, FAQ, live chat or buttons that are click to contact customer support.

Choose The Right Font

The right font impacts the visual component of an app. The wrong font can spoil your design, therefore it is important to choose a font that works perfectly for different size screens.

Research conducted by Apple and Google reports that, you should keep the font at 12 points. This keeps the font readable without users having to zoom in. Best of all, it helps them keep their device at a comfort-giving distance for viewing.

Listen To User Feedback


The main purpose of UX is to design an app that is intuitive and user friendly. One of the best ways to get a good grasp of these concepts is by listening to user feedback.

Good feedback can help you decide what works and what doesn’t. This information can help you decide what needs changing. Applying analytics to your app will give it data to boost user experience effectively.

Avoid Random Color Options

Color schemes help your brand standout and differentiate itself from others which helps to create a durable user impression. However, the following working principles should stay the same:

  • Showcase your brand’s palette    
  • Design in gray scale    
  • Avoid using extra glowing or vibrant shades    
  • Accommodate color blind users    
  • Use proper color contrast ratio

Wrap Up

Giving users with the best UX they have experienced by enhancing usability and design will create a lasting impression with them. A good user experience impacts the popularity of apps, the business’s success, and your profit as a whole. Using the above-mention mobile UX design best practices to engage users and fulfill your goals.

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Thursday, March 10, 2022

Top Mobile UI/UX Designs That Will Rule 2022

As more and more people use their smartphones for shopping, browsing and communicating, UX and UI designers are looking for ways to make this small space more appealing and user friendly.  However, a lot of focus is on design since first impressions are important.

UX and UI are constantly transforming. Trends always come and go.  Here are top mobile UI/UX design trends for 2022 that can reduce bounce rate and boost your conversion rate.

Improved Personalization

This year, mobile app personalization will likely increase in popularity. A tailored UX is becoming essential in mobile development. Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence are making this customization easier and more seamless.

There are a variety of streaming services out there like YouTube or SoundCloud that use AI to assess user choices and offer song recommendations. Fitness and bucket list apps also offer improved personalization to all users. This is an area where app developers are really stepping up their game, so be sure to check out some of these great options.

Rounded Corners


Smartphones have been around for a while now, and with that come various trends. One such trend is the use of rounded corners. Both Android and iOS devices have them, which then leads to rounded corners in their respective UIs. This is beneficial for UX because it makes everything look smoother and makes it easier for us to process information.

Convenient Voice Interaction

The voice-controlled personal assistance of Apple, Alexa, the virtual assistant of Amazon, Bixby, the smart assistant of Samsung, and Google Assistant, the AI-enabled virtual voice assistant of Google are all following the trend of UX design. These applications deliver precise and fast query results, provide a more feasible user experience, and make sure that each user has a tailored experience.

Password-less Login

2021 is going to be the year that password-less logins becomes much more popular. This is because people are already used to having a variety of mobile apps and it’s becoming more and more difficult to remember all of our passwords.

Already, there are various types of password-less login methods being used, such as facial recognition or fingerprint scanning (biometric authentication). Plus, sign-in links (Medium) and One-time Temporary Passwords (eBay) are becoming more commonplace.

Cutting-edge Animation

Operative animation is integral to a positive user experience. Animated movement and motion provide a lot of information – they explain state changes, confirm actions, and add rhythm to interactions.

As mobile devices become more powerful and faster, mobile app designers can create more sophisticated animations. Animation is no longer just used to fill in the gaps between different screen conditions; it can also be used for branding purposes.

Motion conveys an exclusive story about your brand and product, while animation makes interactions more personalized and fun.

Gradient 2.0

Gradients will get a new life in 2021. This time, they will be more vibrant, using brighter colors as backgrounds. They will have a more luminous quality, and be based on clear light sources.

Dark Themes

dark theme

A dark theme is is a low-light UI that mostly shows dark surfaces. Dark themes have 2 advantages to UX: it uses less battery power by using less light. Secondly, dark theme reduces eye strain by limiting screen brightness.

Liquid Swipe and Button-less Design

Physical buttons are disappearing from mobile phones. This is because phone manufacturers want to free up more screen space so that we will be able to see more content.

Because focus is now on content, gestures are taking the place of physical buttons. The liquid swipe effect is taking swiping to the next level.


Using virtual reality and augmented reality technology enables designers to integrate the fictional digital components in the real-world image by giving users a new perspective of their everyday life.

Media, travel, eCommerce, entertainment, science, mHealth, real estate, and education – these are just some of niches where AR and VR technology can be adopted.

Content Design

With a content-first approach, you can design a functional UI that is also meaningful. This makes your UX convenient and comfortable instead of artistic and complex.

Readability is a priority in UI/UX design. Designers need to make sure people can easily read CTAs, slogans and taglines. They should also be focused on the visual design and how it feels when you navigate the site.

Google Fonts has made fonts more readable and the menu context is simple. They have also created a system which makes it easy to adjust text size and font to fit different screen sizes.

Chatbots UI Design

Chatbots should not just give data for the end user. They must also be able to process each query, and understand variants of language such as slang that can be used, or phrases that may not always be clear.

To improve the User experience, it’s important to consider options such as avatars, a voice that fits your brand’s personality, typing indicators, and response buttons.

You should offer users a way to input the content, such as pre-set chat conversations or an open text field where they can type in their own sentences.

Design for Disabled People

Inclusive design helps you produce more feasible products. This is because people who have had disabilities in their lives interact with products differently from unaffected people.

Using a screen for people with low vision, you can hear UI elements and text read aloud as well as vibration feedback and acoustic signals.

For example, if you have high-contrast color combinations within your website or app, captions in video content, transcripts, accessible audio or video elements, stable navigation,  responsive layout, voice input, and gesture recognition technologies  are just some elements of accessibility-first design.

Bottom Line

SEO and web design

Designers must always prioritize the user experience. They should embrace new trends in design to make a product better for their users.

Try to consider the benefits of each action you take when measuring trends in your business, and take them into account when evaluating where to invest in improvements.

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How Laravel is Revolutionizing Web Development!

Introduction: What is Laravel?

Laravel is a PHP web framework that is quickly gaining in popularity. It was created in 2011 by Taylor Otwell. Laravel is simple to use and has a large community of developers who are willing to help. It also has lots of features that make web development easier, such as scaffolding, Blade templating, and Eloquent ORM. Laravel is based on the Model-View-Controller (MVC) architectural pattern, and includes features such as authentication, routing, and caching.

How Laravel is different from other frameworks

In addition to the basic features that make up a framework, Laravel also incorporates some unique features. Some of these include:

Eloquent ORM: This is a great feature for those who are new to databases and want simple access to their data. In the past, developing a web application was a daunting task. You had to choose a language, like PHP, and learn all the quirks and best practices. Then you had to find a web hosting company, set up your server, and configure everything just so. After that, you still had to write all the code for your application by hand. But these days there’s a better way.

1. Laravel is a PHP framework that is making web development easier than ever before.

2. It was created by Taylor Otwell in 2011 and has been gaining in popularity ever since.

3. Laravel is designed for ease of use and to make development faster and simpler.

4. It includes features that make creating complex applications easier, such as an easy-to-use routing system and powerful caching tools.

Why Laravel is popular among web developers

1. It’s easy to learn: You don’t have to be an expert in PHP to get started with Laravel.

2. It’s powerful and flexible: With Laravel, you can easily create complex, database-backed applications.

3. It’s easy to extend: Laravel provides a framework for writing your own custom functions and classes.

4. It’s faster than other frameworks: Laravel makes it easy to create applications that run quickly and efficiently, with less overhead.

Top features of Laravel

Laravel is an open source PHP web application framework. It was created by Taylor Otwell and it’s now maintained by Taylor himself, along with the rest of the Laravel development team.

Laravel is written in the PHP language and supports many of the features available in other web application frameworks.

Laravel’s strong focus on convention allows it to be used easily, even by developers with limited programming experience.

Applications that can be built with Laravel

Laravel is a powerful PHP framework that has a lot of built-in features. This makes it an ideal choice for building web applications and websites. Some of the things that can be built with Laravel include: 

a content management system (CMS), 

a customer relationship management (CRM) system, 

an online store, 

a social networking site, 

or a blog.

Introduction: Why Laravel?

There are many PHP frameworks available, but Laravel is one of the most popular. Here are some reasons why Laravel is a great choice for your next project:

Laravel has a well-defined directory structure that makes it easy to find files and understand how the framework works.

The built-in Blade templating engine is fast and efficient, and you can use it to create clean, semantic templates.

Laravel comes with a variety of features out of the box, including authentication, routing, sessions, and caching. This means you don’t have to spend time building these features yourself.

Laravel is well-documented and has a large community of users who are willing to help. If you get stuck, there’s likely already a solution online.

How Laravel is Different: Speed, Ease of Use, Community

Laravel’s creators were very intentional about how the framework would be used. They wanted speed and ease of use, so they built a modular architecture that encourages you to build smaller, reusable components. The framework is also very community-focused. Laravel’s creator, Taylor Otwell, has given over time to the framework and its community.

The Laravel Ecosystem: A Comprehensive Framework

Laravel’s ecosystem is a robust one. There are a lot of packages to choose from. The Laravel team has over 70 packages available right now, and they’re continually adding more every day.

The Packages

Laravel’s package ecosystem is incredibly robust.

Building Websites with Laravel: An Overview

1. Laravel is a PHP web application framework with expressive, elegant syntax. It attempts to take the pain out of development by easing common tasks used in the majority of web projects, such as authentication, routing, sessions, and caching.

2. Laravel is released under the MIT license, making it free for anyone to use, modify, and distribute. It has been downloaded over 1.5 million times and has an active community of users and contributors.

3. The framework isn’t just for creating small projects; it can power large-scale websites as well. Here are some examples of sites built with Laravel: GitHub, Shopify, Wikipedia (in Spanish), and more.

Why is Laravel so popular?

Laravel is a web application framework with expressive, elegant syntax. We believe development must be an enjoyable, creative experience to be truly fulfilling. Laravel attempts to take the pain out of development by easing common tasks used in the majority of web projects, such as authentication, routing, sessions, and caching.

In addition to this, Laravel also offers a rich set of features like database migrations and seeding, templating engines, and robust testing support. These features allow you to build beautiful and powerful applications with minimal effort.

How does Laravel work?

Laravel is composed of several components. The following list shows some of the primary components included in Laravel:

Web Server – Responsible for routing requests to the appropriate handler, authorizing users and processing requests.

Logic – Handles application events. Laravel also provides a variety of base classes that you can use to build your own logic.

Controller – Responsible for handling all request/response processing and providing model methods.

View – Responsible for rendering templates and displaying information to the user.

What are some of the features of Laravel?

Laravel is a PHP web application framework with features such as scaffolding, Eloquent ORM, security, and more. It is designed to be simple, yet powerful. Laravel has gained popularity among developers due to its ease of use and flexibility.

Conclusion: What’s next for Laravel?

In conclusion, Laravel is a powerful and versatile framework that enables developers to create sophisticated web applications quickly and easily. While there are some challenges that need to be addressed, the Laravel community is strong and committed to making the framework even better. There are many exciting things on the horizon for Laravel, so stay tuned!

The post How Laravel is Revolutionizing Web Development! appeared first on Creativ Digital.

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Thursday, March 3, 2022

PHP vs .NET: Which One to Choose for Web Development?

PHP and .NET are two of the most popular programming languages for web development.

PHP vs .NET web development: PHP is an open-source language that is easy to learn and use, while .NET is a Microsoft language that is more powerful and complex. Both languages have their pros and cons, so which one should you choose for your next web development project?

PHP is a versatile language that can be used for a variety of applications, from small websites to large-scale enterprise systems.

The PHP language can be used for web development, database programming, and even system programming.

PHP is a full-featured language that supports procedural and object-oriented programming techniques.

PHP is a scripting language that was designed for web development. It is easy to learn and can be used to create dynamic websites.

Choosing a programming language for web development can be a daunting task. It is important to consider what type of project you are working on, as well as your own skillset. In this article, we will compare PHP vs .NET web development and help you decide which one is the best fit for you.

PHP vs .NET for web development: Similarities and Differences

PHP is a server-side scripting language, which means it can run on the same computer where the web server is running. PHP has built-in support for SQL database access.

PHP is a server-side scripting language. PHP can be used to create dynamic websites or web applications that are not bound to any specific server platform or operating system. PHP has built-in support for SQL database access.

PHP is easy to learn, and it can be installed on many operating systems, such as Linux, Unix, and Microsoft Windows.

.NET is a full-featured programming language that runs in a combination of different environments, such as Windows and the web.

.NET is an object-oriented language, which has less code to write than other languages.

PHP vs .NET: Speed and Performance

PHP has always been known for its speed and performance, but with the newest versions of .NET, that may no longer be the case. In benchmarks performed by Steve Roud in 2009, PHP was shown to be faster than ASP.NET in nearly all categories. However, those tests were performed on older versions of .NET and PHP, and with the newest releases of both languages, things may have changed.

A recent comparison of PHP 5.4 and ASP.NET 4.5 by Nettuts+ showed that ASP.NET is now faster than PHP in many cases. This is likely due to the new features in ASP.NET 4.5 that improve performance, such as asynchronous processing and output caching. However, PHP still has some advantages over ASP.NET, such as its wider range of modules and libraries available for use.

PHP vs .NET: Scalability

PHP and .NET are both popular programming languages used for web development. Both languages have their strengths and weaknesses, but which one is better for scalability?

PHP is a scripting language that is used to create dynamic websites. It is a popular choice for small to medium-sized websites because it is easy to learn and use. However, PHP is not as scalable as .NET.

.NET is a Microsoft technology that is used for developing web applications, desktop applications, and mobile applications. It is more complex than PHP, but it offers greater scalability. .NET can handle larger volumes of data and traffic without breaking down.

PHP vs .NET: Cost

There are many different factors to consider when choosing a development platform. One of the most important is the cost of development. In this article, we will compare the cost of PHP vs .NET web development.

.NET is a Microsoft platform that requires Visual Studio for development. The cost of Visual Studio can be expensive, especially if you need multiple licenses for your team. Additionally, .NET developers are in high demand and can be expensive to hire.

PHP is a free, open source platform that does not require a specific IDE. There are many free and paid IDEs available for PHP development. PHP developers are also in high demand, but they tend to be less expensive than .NET developers.

The cost of development can vary depending on your specific needs and the skillset of your team. However, in general, the cost of developing in PHP would be less .

Pros and Cons

.NET has many benefits over PHP, including:

The main disadvantage of .NET is that it is a proprietary technology and cannot easily be used on all operating systems, such as Linux, Unix, or Microsoft Windows. .NET’s advantage is that it is a common language that can be used in many different programming languages (such as C#, VB.NET, F# and Visual Basic) to create complex applications.

As you can see, there are many pros and cons of both technologies.

And PHP has many benefits over .NET, the main benefit of PHP is that it can be used on a wide variety of platforms, as well as for many different purposes. For instance, PHP can be used for web development, application development and even scripting.

Which One to Choose for Web Development?

Choosing a programming language for web development can be a daunting task. The two most popular languages are PHP and .NET. Both languages have their pros and cons, but which one should you choose?

PHP is older than .NET and has been around since 1995. It is a server-side scripting language that is used to create dynamic websites. It is open source, meaning it is free to use, and it is supported by a large community of developers. One of PHP’s biggest advantages is its ease of use – it is relatively simple to learn compared to other languages.

.NET was created in 2002 by Microsoft and is also a server-side scripting language. It has many features that are not found in PHP, such as strong object-oriented programming support and built-in security features. However, .


In conclusion, PHP and .NET are both great choices for web development. It ultimately depends on your personal preferences and what you are most comfortable with. If you are just starting out in web development, I would recommend starting with PHP because it is a little simpler to learn. However, if you are already familiar with another programming language, such as C#, then I would recommend choosing .NET. Whichever language you choose, be sure to spend some time practising so that you can become proficient.

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Wednesday, March 2, 2022

Why Use Magento For Your Ecommerce Business

There is no one-size-fits-all when it comes to businesses. As a business owner, you should expect nothing less than an ecommerce platform which provides flexibility, scalability, security and extensibility. When considering ecommerce solutions, it is normal that you require to get the best of everything. All of the functionalities should be within reach, especially if you want to grow your business. 

More often than not, the search to find the best ecommerce platform leads every business  owner to Magento. Magento is one of the best ecommerce platforms, and it is the ideal platform for website development. Magento is responsible for 24.8% of all ecommerce sites, according to the most recent statistics. In 2021, Magento is the e-commerce platform of choice for over 270,000 ecommerce businesses across the world.

Regardless of the industry and business size, Magento is the one platform that can adjust to any business model. Magento is a user-friendly platform for a variety of ecommerce activities. Compared to other platforms, Magento provides businesses with limitless growth potential, allowing them to triple their growth pace.

The Magento platform not only provides the online shopping cart system you’ll need, but it also includes customisation, marketing, and SEO features. Magento Open Source and Magento Commerce are the two versions available. While this blog post will primarily focus on Magento Open Source, there are a few differences which you need to know.

Magento Open Source vs. Magento Commerce

Magento Open Source is the ideal solution for small businesses because it’s free. This edition is available for download, customisation, and self-hosting. It includes all of the essential features. The free option may be a better alternative if you operate a low-maintenance business. If you’re a big company, you can opt for the Commerce edition since it has more advanced capabilities. Large companies typically have thousands of customers and a large inventory. Magento Commerce can accommodate these requirements through additional capacity, better features, and round-the-clock support. 

Although both alternatives are suitable for e-commerce, we recommend that you try Magento Open Source first before investing in Magento Commerce. Although the advantages of each platform may lead you to believe that Magento Commerce is superior, this is not always the case.You need to consider the amount you’re paying and the number of things you actually require.

Magento Benefits

  • Flexibility 

Magento gives business owners greater flexibility to offer a unique brand experience. This platform is adaptable to change and may be customised to match the needs of online store owners. You can have complete control over the appearance, content, and performance of your website. You can personalise and innovate, thanks to Magento’s next-generation architecture. You’ll also have complete control over your online store’s features. Other platforms offer APIs and allow plugins, but they don’t allow the same level of customisation as Magento. This includes configurable designs, scheduled actions and  backend interface changes. 

  • SEO-friendly 

Magento’s SEO makes the process of indexing web traffic, webpages, and landing pages much easier. With Magento, website optimisation becomes a breeze. Customised meta keywords, meta descriptions, Google sitemaps, and other features are also available through the platform. All of these are highly significant for ecommerce websites to improve their search engine results. You can easily configure Magento so that it complies with SEO best practises.

  • Easy integration

Integrations are necessary for running a successful online store. These solutions allow you to automate tasks such as taking sales orders, receiving payments, and making deliveries. Integrating third-party services is incredibly simple when using the Magento platform. You can integrate your ecommerce experience with Amazon, eBay, PayPal, Google Shopping, Quickbooks, and more. Other third-party integrations such as Google Analytics, Google Checkout, and Google Base are available on the Magento platform to help you evaluate your website’s performance while keeping an eye on the latest Magento ecommerce trends. 

  • Global support

Magento is robust in its foundation, and its products are kept updated by a global community of e-commerce developers, bloggers, project managers, and other professionals. The avid community is located all over the world to provide nonstop support by constantly removing errors and adding plugins. With Magento Open Source, developers are able to communicate with the community in order to make fixes or reduce some risks. They do everything they can to ensure that the platform is always the best in class. 

  • Mobile experience

The online world is dominated by mobile devices. You should focus your efforts on catering to your mobile-savvy customers if you want your internet business to succeed. This is why Magento for ecommerce works on mobile devices. To improve the purchasing experience on mobile, the Magento platform supports HTML5. It also allows you to change the image size and support video requirements. You may personalise anything on a Magento ecommerce website. You’ll get an outstanding mobile shopping experience with its built-in drag and drop capability.

  • Superior performance

When it comes to high performance, Magento is one of the best options because it allows you to reduce page loading time and execute other statistical procedures. It ensures that your website performs at its best while utilising the minimal server resources. This ecommerce platform has over 1000 extensions, most of which are used for customisation. You might choose to add a new customising option so you can differentiate your ecommerce site from the competition. 

Summing it up 

Magento has tons of benefits to help business owners provide the best shopping experience for their customers. From community to superior performance, Magento ticks all the boxes that make up the list of a successful ecommerce website. It allows you to personalise your website to better serve the needs of online shoppers who visit your store. Developers love it as well because of its customisability, which means it’s easier to implement and develop. If you’re convinced that Magento will benefit your online business, please contact us through our website. We have an expert team dedicated to Magento projects

The post Why Use Magento For Your Ecommerce Business appeared first on Creativ Digital.

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Tuesday, March 1, 2022

Best Practices In Mobile App Design In 2022

Designing a mobile app with a positive user experience is no longer optional in today’s world. It’s critical to optimise your app to near-perfect levels if you want it to succeed and grow your business. It’s no longer enough to make a minimal update to a website’s design to make it mobile-friendly.  This will impact not only the number of users accessing your mobile app, but also their entire customer journey experience. Customer experience design for mobile devices necessitates a deep understanding of user expectations. Users have high expectations for the websites and apps they interact with on their mobile devices.

According to Statista, mobile devices accounted for over half of all website traffic worldwide at the end of 2021. In 2023, there will be 4.3 billion smartphone users, with a sustained growth in the following years. Additionally, failing to stay up with the newest UX design trends can have an impact on your marketing activities. It is a well-known fact, for example, that having a poor user experience will have an impact on your efforts to get backlinks.

The following are some of the best practices users expect from app designers: 

1. Design consistency 

If a design introduces new standards, they must at the very least be consistent throughout the app. Every new feature or piece of content doesn’t have to be an opportunity where you can showcase a new design concept.

While it’s important to reuse standard elements from other apps, it’s critical to have a consistent look for your mobile app. Visual consistency, external consistency and functional consistency are all examples of this key principle. Typefaces, buttons, labels and fonts must all be consistent; interactive components must function consistently throughout your app, and your design scope must be consistent across multiple platforms. Through consistency, users can apply existing knowledge when using your mobile app. Design consistency must strike a balance  between the existing visual identity and avoiding aesthetic monotony. There’s a fine line between having intuitive consistency versus monotony. 

2. Content prioritisation 

Content is king. It is the most important aspect of a mobile app. Content prioritisation can help simplify UI while improving UX. 

A mobile app is only as good as the quality of its content. Display only the content and features which the user needs. Because of the limited space on a small screen, any new piece of content you add will overload your users. A menu should be used to access secondary content. To avoid confusing your users, menu lists, whether short or large, should feature progressive disclosure and simple wording. Use icons instead of words whenever feasible to decrease clutter.

3. Colour customisation

Colour selection is typically a critical starting point in mobile app design. When determining which colours to use in your designs, there are numerous factors to consider, as each hue represents a particular psychological state.

Web Content Accessibility Guidelines, the major worldwide body for internet standards, are a good place to start. To meet their 21.AA requirements, the text must have a colour contrast ratio of at least 4.5:1. Your colours should be distinct from each other and convey a consistent theme. Based on the latest trends, app designs will be dominated by subtle colour contrasts. The hues that are gentle on the user’s eyes and make reading more enjoyable. Achieving the proper level of contrast is a delicate balancing act. Keep in mind that your app will be utilised in a variety of light levels and settings, and that contrast is important for usability. A suitable colour scheme can help distinguish your app from your brand, leaving a lasting impact on users. 

4. Simple navigation

It is important to know who is going to use your app so you will know how your app will be used. This is why navigation is critical, with a significant amount of gestures and motions to choose from. As a result, a user should not encounter any glitches or barriers while going through the screens. 

Navigation should be easy and intuitive. As more users become attracted to your user-friendly and easy navigation, they will then be able to get the most out of your app. Decide on the navigation method you’ll utilise based on the content you plan to showcase. 

5. Better readability 

Legibility and readability are terms that are used interchangeably. It means that when users look at their screen and the design of the app you created, reading and analysing your material should not be difficult for them. They shouldn’t feel compelled to reread the content in order to comprehend it. Your text’s words should be easily distinguishable.

To ensure the readability of the content, you must pay attention to aspects such as font size, spacing, alignment, and punctuation usage. One key factor to consider is font size. You don’t have to use smaller text because you have a smaller screen. For greater readability, the font size should be increased when the screen size decreases instead.

6. User feedback 

A good design keeps users informed about interpretations or actions, conditions or changes of state, and exceptions or errors that are relevant and interesting to the user due to its conciseness, clarity and familiar language to the users. Remember that your primary goal is to offer a positive user experience.

You can authenticate your ideas and analyse actual user feedback by looking at their comments on App Store or Google Play, polls inside the application or tickets received through support email. You’ll quickly learn how many flaws or lapses users have found while using your mobile application. Reliable feedback will help you decide what works and what does not.


The success of a mobile app is determined by only one factor: how users perceive the product. Instead of following design trends, figure out what works best for your business and target market. Users assess the simplicity of use, value, utility, and efficiency of their entire experience; usability directly contributes to how they feel about your app. When you put users first in your design practices, you gain their trust and confidence–resulting in increased revenue for your app.

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