Wednesday, November 30, 2022

How to Get More Clients with Lead Generation

When you think about lead generation, what do you picture? Probably a person sitting at a computer, with their finger on the keyboard, typing away. But that’s not how it works. Lead generation isn’t just about getting someone to buy your product or service. It’s about getting them to give you information about themselves that will help you connect with them later on down the line. So how does this work?

Identify Target Market

Once you have a sense of who your potential clients are, it’s time to identify the pain points that they face and the goals they want to achieve.

  • What pains do they experience? Are there any specific problems or issues that need solving?
  • What does success look like for them? If you can help them reach their goals and improve their lives in some way, why wouldn’t this be worthwhile for them (and therefore worth pursuing)?

What Do They Need?

The first step to lead generation is knowing your audience. The second step is understanding their pain points and finding out what they want. The third step is doing research on the internet, asking them directly and getting to know them better so that you can provide a solution for their problem.

You should do this for every client who comes through your door, whether it’s via a cold email or over coffee in person. In addition:

How Will You Reach Them?

The first step to getting more clients is understanding how you will reach them. There are three main channels for lead generation: social media, email marketing and direct mail. Each of these channels has its own strengths and weaknesses that should be considered when deciding which one works best for your business.

  • Social media: A great way to attract new leads because it allows you to reach people who are already familiar with your brand through their friends/followers on social media (and might not even realize they need help). However, if you don’t have any followers or friends then this could be a waste of time as well.
  • Email marketing: This method involves sending targeted emails directly from your company or website where they’ll receive an offer for services like consulting sessions or demonstrations during events like conferences/trade shows etcetera.

What Channels Are They On?

You can use social media to find potential clients.

Social media is a great way to find new leads, and it’s also an effective platform for engaging with current customers. Social media gives you the opportunity to build trust with your audience by sharing valuable information about what makes your business unique and interesting at a glance—and then showing off how you’re delivering on that promise through your products or services. That’s why it’s so important that you’re active on social channels like Facebook, Twitter and Instagram.

How Often Should You Post?

How often you post is a personal choice, but it’s important to consider how your audience will react to the frequency of your content. If you are posting too frequently, they may get annoyed by seeing the same thing over and over again. On the other hand, if you don’t post enough and leave them wanting more, they may feel like their time has been wasted or that there’s something wrong with them (in which case they will probably unsubscribe).

To strike this balance between frequency and quality in lead generation strategy—and thus get the most out of each post—you need to test different frequencies for different channels.

For instance, a Facebook group might be best suited for posting one article per week rather than daily; however, if someone else is already doing something similar on Instagram then perhaps no one else needs such constant updates from yours.


Use Social Media

Social media is a great way to get your business exposure and make new connections. But it’s not just about promoting yourself—it’s about sharing useful content that will help others, too.

When you post on social media, think about what types of posts are best for each platform: Instagram, Pinterest and Facebook all have different audiences and needs. For example, if you want people to follow you on Twitter but don’t want them scrolling through hundreds of other accounts before finding yours (and therefore clicking over), then posting more frequent updates might be helpful.

Social media isn’t just about posting promotional material; it should be used as an opportunity for engagement between businesses/people in different fields or industries. If your followers see someone else using hashtags consistently throughout their posts (such as #socialmedia), they’ll start doing so too because they know it’s relevant content—and this can lead them down a path towards buying something from your website/retail store,

How Will You Engage With Them?

Lead generation is a good way to get new clients, but it’s also an important part of your overall marketing strategy. You need a way to engage with them—and not just once or twice, but repeatedly as well.

Social media is one way that you can do this: If someone has signed up for your mailing list, chances are they’ll want more from you than just information about what kind of products or services they can buy from you. By engaging with them on social media platforms like Facebook and Instagram (and even LinkedIn), you’re making sure that the lead gets engaged in conversations about how great their experience will be when using whatever product or service it was that got them interested in purchasing from start-up #1 Incorporated LLC (which might still be under construction).

You could also use email marketing software such as MailChimp or AWeber; both offer free plans so there’s no reason why anyone shouldn’t give them a try.

Ask for Referrals from Current Clients

The best way to get more clients is by asking for referrals. It’s easy and it works. This is an excellent way of gaining trust and building relationships with potential new customers who are already familiar with your product or service. You can also use this technique when talking about past customers who have used your services in the past but haven’t been able to find what they needed from other companies before coming back again because they didn’t know where else could offer those services in addition to yours (or vice versa).


Follow up with your leads to keep the conversation going. Don’t be too pushy or passive, but don’t let it go cold either. The right balance is hard to find, but it’s important that you maintain some level of interest in your lead while they are still interested in buying from you.

Don’t just send them another email when they have asked for information or made a purchase—you should also use social media and other channels as part of your strategy for keeping in touch with customers who have bought from you before and could be potential new clients down the road.

Bottom Line

Lead generation is an essential part of any business, and it can be challenging to find the right strategy. The tips provided here will help you get started with lead generation, but don’t forget that this process is going to take some time and practice before you start seeing results. However, if you stick with it, lead generation should be one of the most rewarding aspects of your business—so get out there and start generating leads.

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Tuesday, November 29, 2022

5 Web Design Tips To Get More Sales on Your Shopify Store

In today’s world of e-commerce and digital prominence, online shopping and business have never been easier. A wide range of online platforms can be utilised for product and service marketing; all you have to do is find the most suitable one for your business.

When you want to set up your own website, Shopify is here to ease your website development project. This e-commerce platform allows business owners to create a personalised website that will match their company’s branding, voice, and position in the market. As of 2022, there are 121,802 Australian online stores using Shopify to conduct business. 

If you are considering being one of them, here are five web design tips to get more sales on Shopify: 

Choose the right theme

Choose the suitable theme for your brand when you want to make an impression. This is considered your Shopify store’s backbone, as it will be the first thing to be noticed when a user visits your page. Selecting a web design aligned with your brand will keep visitors engaged, increase traffic, and explore more on your store. 

Shopify offers free and paid themes, ranging from $100 to $180. Most of the elements–typography, colour palette, text sizes–packaged with these are customisable.

Include visual elements

What’s a website without visuals? Since it is an online store, customers cannot personally inspect the items they browse. An intelligent web design move is to include photos and videos to showcase your products online. Users can find these visuals helpful in checking what you offer. 

When including photos and videos, ensure only to upload high-quality ones. Display your items in the most fun and creative way, and show all angles for that “in-person” feel for your potential customers. 

Link your other platforms 

Another smart way to further increase your digital presence is to include your social media accounts in your Shopify web design. With this move, it leaves an impression that you want to connect more with your market. Simply do this by adding clickable logos into your layout that will redirect them to your Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, or TikTok pages. 

Improve load times

A user stays on a website for an average of 15 seconds. Make it count, and do not waste the chance by slow-loading times. In that 15 seconds, you should ensure that your website can showcase what your company offers. 

Improve your brand’s Shopify website by revamping the design or layout: compress image file sizes, avoid third-party themes, or manage widgets linked to your catalog. 

End with a striking CTA

A customer can be interested in a product or exploring your website, and you want to persuade him, even more, to stay longer and eventually place an order. This is where call-to-action plays its part; a simple yet striking finisher will send a sense of urgency or emotion to your visitors, making them click that “Checkout” button. Some may argue this does not do much, but it builds an impact on your website. 

CTAs differ depending on your product or service offerings. But generally, in online stores, CTAs include “Checkout Now”, “Follow for more”, or “Subscribe now!” at the end of a product description or blog post. These simple phrases usually convert visitors to customers due to their persuading tones and voice. 


To summarise, Shopify store owners must pay close attention to the layout of their websites, especially those who are just starting out. Building a store and hoping for the best is not enough. Having a website is only the first step toward success.

There are various strategies for different Shopify stores, depending on your business needs and market demand. It is important to make an informed decision as there are several e-commerce website development platforms and website developers to chooose from. At Creativ Digital, we make sure that our clients choose an effective open-source technology created specifically for e-commerce rather than just any old online shop. We understand how to use all of the Shopify store design best practises, and we can assist you with them.

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Monday, November 28, 2022

How To Write Great SEO Titles

Search engine optimization (SEO) is a critical part of your online marketing strategy, but it’s not the only way to rank well in search results. It’s also important to have a great title on your blog posts and other content so that people can find it easily – particularly when they’re searching for something specific.

Start with a working title

If you’re looking for a good place to start your title, there are a few things you can do. First, try using an SEO title tool like SEO Book . This will help you come up with a working title that’s relevant to the content of your article and makes sense in terms of keywords and phrases people might use when searching for something similar (or related) to what they’re reading on their phones or computers right now.

If that doesn’t work out so well, consider trying Google’s Keyword Planner instead. This tool helps determine which words are most popular among searchers who have searched similar queries before—so if those words aren’t included in either option above then keep them in mind as potential options when brainstorming ideas.

Include keywords in your title

If you’re not including keywords in your title, it’s likely that Google won’t be able to understand what your content is about. In fact, as we’ve discussed before, including keywords in the title will help search engines understand your content better than if you didn’t use them at all.

When choosing a keyword for your title or meta description, consider whether it fits with the rest of your page content and whether it has any relevance to the topic being discussed on that page. If not, then maybe another word would work better.

Include the right types of keywords in your SEO title

  • Keywords
  • Relevance and specificity are key to the success of your SEO title. Your keyword should be relevant to the content on the page, as well as specific for that page. It shouldn’t repeat too often or include more than one word in it either (this is called over-optimization).

Keep SEO titles short and punchy

You want to keep your SEO title short and punchy, so that it’s easy for search engines to pick up on. This will help you get more clicks from Google.

The ideal length for an SEO title is under 60 characters. If you have a longer title than this (for example, if your site has multiple pages), then break it into two or three different sections that each have their own titles. This can make things easier for the reader because they’ll know exactly what page they’re on before clicking through to read more content on the same subject matter but in another part of the website.

Pipes are not recommended here as they’re hard for people reading your content online (or even just looking at a webpage) to understand how they work so well instead use dashes instead which makes sense because they look like little lines going across letters rather than dots which makes them stand out much more easily when searching online searches.

Use dashes between words instead of pipes

In the last few years, dashes have become a popular way to separate words. They’re easier to read and more visually appealing than pipes. Search engines like dashes because they make your title look cleaner and better formatted.

Read and re-read your completed title tag before publishing

  • Read and re-read your completed title tag before publishing – don’t include typos or misspellings. This will make you look unprofessional and could harm your chances of ranking well for that title.
  • Don’t use slang or abbreviations when writing a title tag. If it’s not going to be read by the average person, then leave it out.
  • Avoid using unnecessary words in a title tag; this is called keyword stuffing and can hurt your rankings in Google search results pages (SERPs).

Keep meta descriptions under 160 characters

Meta descriptions are a snippet of text displayed under the title in search results. They should be short and concise, but they don’t have to be boring.

They’re also a great way to entice your reader to click through and read more content. As you’re writing your meta description, keep these tips in mind:

  • Make sure it’s under 160 characters (without HTML tags) so it doesn’t get cut off by Googlebot.
  • Use keywords that make sense for what you’re writing about—for example, if you’re writing about cooking recipes then include words like “recipe” or “recipe ingredients.” If there are no relevant keywords in your title then use some vague ones like “how-to” instead (but make sure this isn’t too generic).

Write a great SEO title for the best chances in getting seen

When writing SEO titles, you’re going to want to use the right keywords. Don’t just throw them in there haphazardly—you need to be strategic about what you’re targeting.

The best way we’ve found for doing this is by using a tool called Keyword Planner. It lets you input your target terms and it will give back suggested keywords that people might search for related or synonyms of those terms. You can also see how much competition there is for each potential keyword, so if one isn’t working out as well as hoped, try another one.

Final Thoughts

Writing an SEO title is a great way to get noticed and improve your website’s visibility. The key is to use the right keywords, but also ensure that your title isn’t too long or complicated. Remember not to make spelling mistakes – this will help you look professional and attract more visitors at the same time.

The post <strong>How To Write Great SEO Titles</strong> appeared first on Creativ Digital.

from Creativ Digital

Sunday, November 27, 2022

5 Tips to Improve Your Educational Website

An educational website is a public, accessible, online educational resource that offers in-depth information. But it doesn’t end with just putting valid information on a website. It takes a lot of effort, especially in maintaining and continually improving it.

The study of Hasan and Abuelrub (2013) identified several usability problems on the educational websites of three universities. It included navigation, architecture/organization, ease of use and communication, design, and content. Since tons of educational websites are readily available online, all these things should be considered and adequately monitored to have enough traffic for your websites. If you’re worried about how you will be able to address all of these, we got you! Listed here are some tips on how you can improve your educational website.

Keep the information you share accurate

A website’s accuracy is crucial, mainly if it’s an educational website, since even one error may result in several misconceptions and serious issues. Keep in mind that users, particularly students, come to your website looking for reliable information and assume that everything they discover has been fact-checked or validated.

You must carefully assess the accuracy of any content you offer as an educational website. This should be considered when publishing material on a website since digital content is easily accessible to everyone. Before publishing any material, you need to ensure that you and your team proofread it thoroughly, and if required, update it.

Make it user-friendly

An educational website’s architecture involves several different factors. The reason it’s called “architecture” is that your website’s content is organized into a digital framework that enables viewers to go back and forth between pages.

A website’s design starts here, and it has an impact on the remainder of the design process. Users may get confused and frustrated by a design architecture that is random and unordered. It can be a little creative to impact the user experience. Because instead of spending time being educated on the information they need, they might spend too much time just navigating your website.

Use SEO with your content

Your educational website should be designed to draw in and keep a diverse audience. Additionally, the website must be discoverable online by internet users. This can be achieved by using search engine optimization (SEO) techniques. Search engines can better understand the essential keywords inside the text; thanks to a few background elements of website design.

Content has always been crucial to SEO. Since Google’s algorithm upgrade earlier this year, content optimization has moved beyond just keyword optimization. The experience your content provides and whether it benefits the end user now determine its worth.

Make your website responsive

A responsive website can adapt to any device without human intervention. The typical user spends hours per day browsing a variety of websites. Hence, make every effort to differentiate your educational website design from any possible rivals.

Making your website responsive means having an excellent user interface. For instance, visitors are more likely to hover easily on the choices when the menu expands to display several subcategories in response to the mouse cursor being held over a list item.

Use enough images

Who would want to explore a website that has nothing but long texts? For your website design, useful material is crucial, but you should also make sure that each page has relevant and high-quality images.

The user experience stays exciting and pleasant if photos are used effectively to break up the quantity of informative content you have on a page. Consider including a variety of photos, as long as they are relevant to the text next to them.


All of these tips will work depending on how you want your website to look. Make sure to consider different factors. Is what is shown on your website exactly what you want visitors to see? Is it challenging to navigate? Is it challenging to view the website on a phone or tablet? It may take a lot of effort to improve your website, but if you want it to succeed, you must do so. Hopefully reading these tips has helped you!

The post 5 Tips to Improve Your Educational Website appeared first on Creativ Digital.

from Creativ Digital

Thursday, November 24, 2022

UX Design Best Practices For Ecommerce Stores To Boost Sales

A well-designed website is a must for any ecommerce business. It’s the first thing customers see when they visit your store, so it needs to be clear and easy to navigate. But with so many different layouts and styles out there, how do you know which design best suits your brand?

Be smart about your homepage

  • Make sure your homepage is easy to find.
  • Make sure it’s easy to navigate and understand.
  • Make sure it’s easy to use, visually appealing and readable.

Structure product pages for ease of use

Product pages are the first impression your customers will have of your store, and it’s important to make sure they’re easy to use. To do this, you’ll want to take advantage of a grid layout that provides space for product reviews, showcases product features and specifications, includes a gallery of images (with or without videos), as well as videos walkthroughs on how each item works.

Your website needs to be mobile-friendly

You need to make sure your website is mobile-friendly.

Mobile devices are used for shopping, and they have a higher bounce rate than desktop computers. Mobile devices also have lower conversion rates and average order values (AOVs). If you want to increase sales, it’s important that your website converts better on mobile devices because these people are buying from you.

Product descriptions need to tell a story

Product descriptions are an important part of any ecommerce store. They help the customer understand how your product works, why it is needed, and what it will do for them.

Here are some tips on how to write effective product descriptions:

  • Keep them short and sweet. Most consumers will only spend a few seconds reading your description before deciding if they want to buy from you or not. If you want people to make a purchase from your site (and who wouldn’t?), then make sure that whatever information is presented in this section of your site provides enough information about what makes these products great so that customers can quickly decide whether or not they want one for themselves—and if so, where should they buy it?
  • Use bullet points instead of paragraphs; this makes things easier on both readers’ eyes as well as ours since we don’t have time while reading through all those words! Bullet points also help highlight key features without having too much text overall which means less clutter when browsing through pages like Amazon reviews page.”

Great CTAs matter

A CTA is a call-to-action that helps you get the customer to take action. It’s a button or link that says, “Click here!” and encourages people to convert on your site.

It can be as simple as a big red button at the top of the page, but more often than not it’s hidden behind menus and other content. If you want your CTAs to stand out from all of that clutter, here are some things you should keep in mind:

  • Make it easy for visitors to find. This means making sure there aren’t any unnecessary links or tabs before you reach this important piece of information (and make sure those links lead directly back).
  • Be clear about what exactly they’re signing up for when they click through—and make sure this information is relevant for each page so no two pages have conflicting messages about what kind of offer might interest them most!
How a business website can maximize sales?

Provide multiple ways to purchase products

  • Provide multiple ways to purchase products.

When it comes to ecommerce stores, the most popular payment methods are credit cards and PayPal. However, you should also provide an option for customers who prefer cash or checks so that they can pay in person or over the phone with their own funds instead of using a credit card. In addition, many people prefer to use online payment services like eBay’s PayPal because they’re convenient and easy-to-use. If you want your store visitors to feel comfortable when making purchases on your site then make sure that every single payment option is available via either text messages or emails sent directly from your company account without having any extra steps required by users themselves before completing transactions through these channels (e.g., going into their accounts).

Be consistent in your design to be consistent

Consistency is important for branding and customer experience. Consistency helps customers find what they are looking for quickly, which is especially important on ecommerce sites. It also helps them trust your brand and understand how to navigate the site easily.

Consistent design across all pages of your store reduces the time spent by visitors trying to figure out where things are located in their new environment. This can save you both money because it means fewer people leave without purchasing anything or wasting time looking at products that don’t fit their needs (or vice versa).

Help customers find what they are looking for quickly

Searching for products on your ecommerce store can be a pain. Customers may not know exactly what they want, or may not be able to find the exact product they are looking for. The best way to help customers find what they are looking for quickly is by:

  • Providing a search bar at the top of the page so that customers can easily find your items using keywords or filters (e.g., brand name).
  • Providing navigation options in case someone wants more information about an item before purchasing it (e.g., adding tags like “shoes” or “bags”).
  • Including filters that allow users to narrow down their search results by price range, color and size range (e.g., red shoes under $50).

Show off reviews and social proof prominently

5 stars

Reviews and social proof are two of the most valuable assets you can have in your ecommerce store. Reviews help build trust with customers and highlight your strengths, but it’s important to make sure that you’re not just shoving them down people’s throats. Showcase reviews prominently on your website so that they’re visible for all visitors to see, but don’t rely on them alone for conversion rates.

A good way to increase conversions is by showing off how many people have left positive feedback about one particular product or service—this will encourage more people to check out what others think about it too! If possible, include a button where shoppers can click through directly from their browser instead of having them go back into another page (which could delay up-selling).

Your website needs to be well-designed for the best results

Your website needs to be well-designed for the best results.

  • Use a design that is consistent with your brand

You can use your logo as an example of consistency, but you should also make sure that all of your products and content are consistent in terms of design, color palette and fonts. If you have different departments within the site (like sales), then each department should be represented by its own theme or color scheme so it’s clear where users are landing on the page when they land there.

  • Be consistent in your design: Ecommerce stores often use multiple themes on their sites—for example a white background theme with black text for product descriptions on one page versus another page where these same items appear against a red background with white text (or vice versa). This makes it easy for users because they don’t have any trouble distinguishing between pages at all times since everything looks similar except for maybe one thing such as font size or margin widths which may not matter much anyway depending on how much space each column takes up overall.”


It’s important to remember that design isn’t just about what you see and how it looks. It’s also about how users interact with your website, which will determine whether or not they buy anything from you in the first place. As we talked about earlier, a well-designed website can help you sell more products!

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Tuesday, November 22, 2022

Where to Invest in Digital Marketing If You Have A Low Budget

eCommerce is continuously taking over the world. In an article by Red Search, there were 19.45 million Australian eCommerce users in 2020. This only proves that this new and innovative way of shopping is now the standard due to its convenience, cheaper selections, and huge discounts. Businesses of different industries have already entered the digital scene to make use of the endless opportunities that eCommerce presents. 

However, unlike giant corporations, start-up companies do not have the luxury of investing too much in advertisements and promotional gigs to market their products in one go. The tight budget is mainly the reason for it, but luckily, there are still ways to promote affordably.

Here are five effective yet cheap digital marketing strategies you can invest in if you have a low budget:

Search Engine Optimisation (SEO)

Search engine optimisation (SEO) is all about making your business’ website appear higher in search engine page rankings. It can be done through various keyword inclusions, hashtag research, and indexing. Basically, the higher your rank is, the higher your chance of converting these visitors into customers. 

Nowadays, this form of business blogging is one of the most utilised digital marketing strategies to increase online visibility and traffic. Since it is relatively cheap to conduct, business owners turn to content writing and blog posts to optimise their sites while simultaneously educating users on various topics. 

Google Business Profile

Did you notice when you searched for a brand, product, or service, the top results showed the one nearest to your area? This is what Google Business Profile does—it customises the establishments you look for according to your current location and appears on Google Maps. 

Utilising this feature on the most used search engine in the world for digital marketing can do wonders for your small business. It is free and effective. By simply creating your Google Business Profile, your establishment can be easily searched and known to digital users. Furthermore, this method is also an example of local SEO, where you increase your company’s online visibility in your locale.

Social Media Marketing

Social media has become a part of our daily lives, and at some point, we are all signed up for a platform to fulfill our personal and work-related commitments. With the prominence of social media right now, it instantly becomes a great marketing strategy to maximise when you are on a budget. 

In this type of digital marketing, you do not need to worry about gaining an audience because these platforms already have regular users. The real work lies in determining which audience you should target and what digital platform (Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, or Tiktok) is the best for your target audience. 

Furthermore, another rising strategy under this is influencer collaboration. With their popularity, influencers are seen as trustworthy recommenders of products by their followers because they have a specific niche that will inspire their content. In their audience’s eyes, they are real and unbiased.

Video Marketing 

Videos have become an essential tool for creating content on the Internet. Since the start of digital marketing, videos have been made to promote brands, tell stories, or provide testimonies about products that would resonate with the viewers. It is a low-cost marketing tool with a high return of results. When you incorporate emotional storytelling or a straightforward description into your video promotions, as long as it is appealing, high conversions await your small business. 

Email Marketing 

Email is one of the first methods of communicating via the Internet. It may seem primitive, but it still penetrates the digital world effectively. With the high number of professionals checking their emails daily, this strategy is the key in delivering cost-effective marketing messages. 

Newsletter is a known form of email marketing. It can cover updates about your business, product announcements, or anything related to your offerings that will serve useful to your readers. This type of digital marketing is not only cheap but also permission-based, as the receivers of the newsletter will only be the ones who willingly signed up. 

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Thursday, November 17, 2022

Reasons Why Your Real Estate Business Needs an App

Digital marketing has changed drastically in the last few years. With the rise of social media and mobile devices, it’s more important than ever for real estate agents to stay up-to-date with the latest trends.

There are many real estate apps now on the market, but only a few of them deserve prominence. These include enabling realtors, brokers, landlords, and various other players to make more money and stay in the game.

If you’re excited about the widespread possibilities that a real estate app provides, then this guide is for you. In this in-depth guide, we’ll explore the top reasons why a real estate app can give your business an edge in our modern world.

Real Estate Apps Enhances UX

When you use popular real estate apps like Zillow, you will notice that the UI is far more intuitive than on their website.

They have made finding the perfect apartment or house simple. All you need to do is enter some general criteria, hit enter, and voila – listings will pop up! Plus, it’s easy to filter listings based on different search criteria. Plus, readers can quickly scroll through photos and learn more about the property that’s for rent or for sale.

You need a mobile app if you want to make your digital experience available at all times. Not just during office hours or when someone is looking for a website to visit. With our easy-to-use app, you’ll have customers visiting on their smartphones and tablets, too.

Mobile sites aren’t as responsive and can’t access the phone’s internal components in the same way that an app can.

While browsing from a tablet, people spend nearly three times the amount of time than they do when using their smartphone. But when on one’s phone, users spend more than four times the amount of time browsing than they would on their keyboard and mouse.

Real Estate Apps Drive Engagement

Apps are a more engaging digital touchpoint than any other. With apps, you can offer a more compelling user experience.

Getting your app downloaded just takes seconds. People can navigate to your app with a single click, which is much faster than opening a web browser and manually typing in a website—they’ll have a much better experience using your app.

Studies show that people who start using an app the first week are highly engaged.

One major benefit of mobile apps is that they’re twice as likely to be retained by users than mobile websites. If you can get people to download your app, there’s a good chance they’ll stay loyal to your brand too.

The number of people who are actively using real estate apps is astonishing—70% of them use the app at least three times per week.

Even if not everyone is using your app regularly, it’s much easier to drive engagement with an app. If a user doesn’t open your app for a few days, you can send them a push notification about new listings. This will encourage inactive users to open your app.

If you want more traffic to your site, email marketing is a great way to go. It’s a lot more effective than just creating a website alone.

Real Estate Agents Can Build Their Personal Brands

If you’re looking for the best real estate app to work with, we’ve got your covered. You don’t have to be an experienced broker or have a big company for us to design a premier agent app for you.

One app isn’t likely to be able to dominate the industry on its own. It’s important for real estate apps to find their niche and do what they’re good at.

You can use these apps to stay local and focus on your market, rather than giving the app to prospects right away.

To help you boost your sales, give yourself an advantage over your competitors by putting the needs of potential buyers first. Imagine yourself as a home buyer looking for the perfect place to live. You’re probably not the only agent they’re speaking with, but if you could live in their pocket—literally and figuratively—through an app on their phone, that would give you an edge.

As a seller on a mobile app, it will be easier to find qualified buyers. This is because the same concept can be applied to the buyer. Buyers are more inclined to purchase a list of homes if they have access to an app. They’ll see this as helping them make decisions faster so they can find their perfect home sooner.

Downloads of real estate apps in the United States have increased by 15%. In the UK, app downloads have increased by 7.6%.

A real estate mobile app is a must-have in this day and age.

The real estate industry is now quickly catching up to new tech and trends. Buyers and sellers are already using apps like Zillow and Redfin to buy, sell, or rent homes. This has set a precedent for how they expect the buying, selling, or renting experience to be.

If you don’t offer your customers the tools they need to get the job done, they’ll get frustrated. It’s in your best interest to provide them with the tools that make it easy for them to do what they need to do – and keep them on your site or app.

It sounds like a stretch, but it’s the same thing as trying to run a real estate business without an email address. But 20 years ago, this was definitely happening.

These days, people don’t need to find and share listings without a mobile app. We’re living in what will one day be known as the app-driven era. In 20 years, people will look back and say can you believe we used to do anything without our phone?

Reach a Wider Audience

With an app, you can target new customers with ease.

For instance, if you’ve spent your career selling houses, it might be a lot easier to start with an app.

One of the many ways to use this app is to connect landlords and property managers. You could also tailor parts of the app specifically to real estate investors.

Your app can do things that your website, email, or social media management system cannot. With its incredible versatility, you’re free to target anyone and anything—all with a single device.

It’s easy to get your app into the hands of any potential customer– only a few clicks can put it in the Google Play Store and Apple App Store for anyone to download.

Being on a business directory will expose you to even more people who can’t find you through other methods. That’s because most directories are compiled by search engines and social sites.

Showcase Your Team of Real Estate Agents

With real estate apps it’s easy to find an agent in your area who fits all the criteria you’re looking for. You can use this app to instantly connect your clients with the perfect agent based on location and other preferences.

Let’s say a new property listing comes up for one of your clients. When the app user reaches out to get more information about this new listing, the app can connect them with an agent automatically.

A company can use the Buyer’s Agent app to help their potential customers learn more about who they offer their service.

High ROI on Property Listings

Investing on a real estate app can help you get a high return on investment. Agents love to use apps because it helps them sell more and deliver a better experience to clients which in turn contributes to higher ROI.

For example, an app can help you conduct virtual tours or give potential buyers instant access to available properties. This can help you save time and avoid instances where you cannot show property in person to prospective buyers and realize that it’s not the right property for them.

Instead, you can focus on spending your time selling compared to dealing with minor details that can be accomplished using the app.

Final Thoughts 

Mobile apps are now a must-have for real estate companies, agents and brokers. Apps are versatile and you can use them in different ways to serve your customers and improve your business.

There are many opportunities to reach customers like providing them simple mortgage calculators or a a full-service app.

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Wednesday, November 16, 2022

How to Create a Digital Marketing Strategy That Delivers Results

People are spending more time on the Internet. Even before the global pandemic hit us, there was already an evident rise in the number of Internet and social media users. An article proves this by revealing that back in 2018, 4 billion users were already online. And now that we have experienced a global lockdown, statistics revealed that users grew to 4.9 billion users in 2021. 

With these increasing numbers, along with the evolving trends on the Internet and technology, the business world saw this as an opportunity to boost sales and increase prominence. It paved the way for brands and their marketing teams to shift digitally and adapt to these changes. New marketing strategies targeted for digital and online media have since then been formulated to cater to the growing potential customers.

Grab the chance to improve your brand by maximizing this trend. Here are five tips on how you can create a great digital marketing strategy: 

Identify your target market

One factor of a successful digital marketing strategy is knowing who to target. The Internet is a broad space, and all age groups, lifestyles, and communities are present. Studying, analysing, and knowing the recipient of your strategy will allow your campaign to be received positively and can effectively increase sales, awareness, and reach. 

When targeting a specific market for your brand, it is better to research their interests, personas, income, etc., for alignment with your strategies. In that way, the marketing methods and mobile website design layout that you will formulate will resonate with them.

Know your competitors

Your company is not the only one available in the industry. Several businesses are also running on the same track as you are, and it is your job to stand out among them. One way of doing so is conducting a competitor analysis to understand your similarities, differences, and edge against them. You may have the same products or offer the same services, but customers will always know the distinction. It is pivotal in an effective marketing strategy because it allows your company to reflect on what it can contribute to your market uniquely. 

Determine your platforms 

The evolving trend of digital media entails the constant emergence of different platforms. While this means victory in sales and revenue, it can also mean unfit marketing strategies that would result in wasted opportunities, money, and effort. The platforms, such as Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, and Tiktok, have different segmentations and metrics, so it is better to focus on one platform at a time to successfully penetrate the market and closely monitor if your applied strategy works with the target platform and audience.

Stick with your branding 

An excellent way to distinguish your brand is consistent branding. It will serve as your identity and overall aura to the consumers, which will help you be remembered and rightfully positioned in the market. Additionally, it is also beneficial for your marketing strategies as it will always be aligned with the campaign’s content, publication materials, and even mobile website designs. A consistent layout of your brand persona will help you decipher what target market you are leaning towards. 

Establish your goals

What is a digital campaign strategy without a goal? Setting one is a great determinant if your campaign has achieved its cause–its “why”. In that way, you will be able to set your projections and find out whether it is working or not. Results shown in your formulated strategy will allow you to review and analyse what was excelling, lacking, and needs improvement for future utilisation. 

However, keep it realistic all the time. The goals you have set should be aligned with your budget, platform, and nature to deem it reviewable or not. 


Creating a digital marketing strategy is a daunting task. However, it is an essential component of digital success since without one, you would be unable to track your marketing results or determine where and how to enhance your efforts. Consider how to implement your next digital marketing strategy before developing it. The decision mostly depends on your campaign’s objective: whether your business wants to raise awareness, provide consumers with thorough information about its products, directly persuade them to buy, or simply engage them. This will enable you to track your progress and achieve success. If you need help in putting together a marketing strategy on your own and want to engage an expert team, contact Creativ Digital to get started.

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Wednesday, November 9, 2022

Five Benefits of Medical Website Design Services

A website is a powerful marketing tool for any business, but especially for healthcare providers. A well-designed medical website can improve clinical outcomes by providing patients with easy access to information about their condition, treatments, and provider. In addition, a medical website can increase provider visibility and attract new patients.

Benefits of Medical Website Design Services

Here are five benefits of medical website design services: 

1.  Increased Patient Engagement

There are many benefits of medical website design services. One of the most important is increased patient engagement. When patients are able to easily find and understand the information on your website, they are more likely to stay engaged with your practice.

Medical website design services can help you create a website that is easy to navigate and provides the information patients need. By increasing patient engagement, you can improve communication with your patients and build a stronger relationship with them.

2. Improved Branding and Credibility

An effective medical website design can be the difference between a thriving practice and one that struggles to attract patients. By working with a professional web design company, you can improve your online branding and credibility, which can lead to more website visitors and new patients.

A well-designed medical website will help you stand out from the competition and show potential patients that you’re a credible source of information and care. A professional web designer can create a custom website that reflects your unique brand and approach to medicine.

3. Enhanced SEO Efforts

Medical website design and development services can help you to improve your online presence and attract more patients. By using the latest techniques in SEO (Search Engine Optimization), your medical website will be easily found by potential patients who are searching for doctors and healthcare services online.

Your medical website should be designed with both patients and search engines in mind. That means using high-quality content, easy-to-navigate menus, and relevant keywords throughout your site. A well-designed medical website will not only rank higher in search results but will also convert more visitors into patients.

4. Greater Patient Convenience 

A medical website design service can provide many benefits to patients, including greater convenience. By having a website that is designed specifically for their needs, patients can easily find the information they are looking for and make appointments with the click of a button. This can save them time and hassle when it comes to managing their health. In addition, a well-designed medical website can help to build trust between patients and their healthcare providers. When patients feel like they can easily access the information they need and that their provider is easy to reach, they are more likely to feel comfortable working with them.

5. Increase Online Visibility

The online presence of a medical website is important for both obtaining new patients and maintaining relationships with existing ones. A great design will help a website rank higher in search engine results pages, making it more visible to potential patients. Additionally, a well-designed website conveys professionalism and builds trust with visitors, encouraging them to stay on the site longer and schedule an appointment. 

Medical website design services can provide many benefits to doctors and other medical professionals. By increasing online visibility, medical websites can attract more attention from potential patients. A well-designed website can also build trust and credibility with visitors, helping to convert them into patients.


In conclusion, medical website design services offer a wide range of benefits that can be extremely beneficial for any medical practice. They can help to improve your online presence, attract new patients, and boost your overall revenue. If you are looking to improve your medical website, consider working with a professional design company like Creativ Digital.

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Monday, November 7, 2022

Why Having a Mobile-Responsive Web Design Matters

Business is more than just making sales nowadays. With the digital age and the recent COVID-19 pandemic, business owners have transitioned to utilising online platforms and entering the digital market for sales boost, network expansion, and increased brand awareness. Fortunately, the readily available technology allows owners to improve their digital platforms for customers.

However, it is more than just creating a website for your business. Since most users are now smartphone owners, another factor to consider is its compatibility with the interface of mobile devices. An article reports that 79% of online searches now come from mobile devices, and mobile traffic has drastically increased since 2016. With these statistics, online store owners must also consider developing a mobile-friendly web design.

Still not convinced? Here are other five (5) reasons why having a mobile-responsive web design matters:

Good User Experience

No customer enjoys a complex and confusing way of making a purchase. Hence, as an online store owner, investing in a good interface must be a priority as it can convert prospects into customers. A mobile-responsive web design guarantees a positive experience in navigating your platform to its visitors as it can: (1) display all the necessary information about your services and products, (2) provide access to all menus and buttons; and (3) show the best graphics and image resolution for references.


A well-developed mobile design website gives you the easiest way to support and run the latest releases of devices smoothly. It is important to take note that not all mobile devices are built the same, and screen sizes and resolutions differ. Hence, you need to consider the compatibility of your website to different operating systems. Having a flexible and responsive website allows you to save time in updating and tweaking errors every time a new device launches. 

Improved SEO

In the competitive online business setting, search engine optimisation (SEO) is one of the strategies used to boost a website’s ranking in Google’s search page. The more you enter relevant keywords to your website, the more users can potentially click on your page as it ranks higher on Google’s search ranking. 

A developed mobile website design heavily contributes to an improved ranking as Google considers all websites’ responsiveness to integrate into its algorithm. With the high traffic from mobile devices nowadays, Google opted to index mobile searches to ease the load and avoid crash downs. So if your website is not mobile-friendly, there is a risk of being placed lower on search pages.

Easy Management

When your business runs two different versions of a website, there is a division and additional work for your team. However, with a flexible and mobile-responsive web design, your workforce can work altogether in building awareness and content development for your business. The tasks are aligned and provide a clear rundown of your business’ offerings. Moreover, with a responsive mobile website design, the online presence is consolidated, and optimisation is much easier to achieve. Your marketing personnel does not have to select target audiences for mobile and non-mobile visitors manually.

Cost Effective

A mobile-responsive web design is like hitting two birds with one stone. Rather than only investing in a dual website for mobile and non-mobile visitors, it is better to develop a flexible website design that caters to both save money and time in the long run. The updates, bug fixes, and other sorts of maintenance tasks can be done in one go. Hassles from piled expenses can be avoided. You can also focus on the core areas of your business.

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Friday, November 4, 2022

Creating a Social Media Strategy for Your Podcast

If you have a podcast and are on social media, it’s time to consider a social media strategy for your podcast.

Podcasts are a fast-growing tool for businesses and entrepreneurs with knowledge to share. Why? Because podcasts are more convenient compared to reading blogs or watching videos.

Podcasts are perfect when you’re multitasking. They can be listened to while in the car, doing household chores, or exercising at the gym. This convenience means users can self-educate and listen to content that aligns with their beliefs, all without distractions from their daily routine.

Creating a podcast is one of the easiest product promotion methods to start. You’ll need a microphone, headphones, and a computer with an internet connection. Once you figure out what you want to talk about and create a session, distribution is ready for take-off! How can you distribute your podcast?

Your social media strategy can help you attract and maintain a large listener base. In this article, we’ll explore the process of leveraging social media to grow your podcast fanbase.

Tips for Creating a Social Media Strategy For Your Podcast

You can share your podcast on various social media platforms. If you have a website for your show, it should be easy for your listeners to find and play episodes. You can also use any of the podcast hosting platforms and directories as your home base.

You can’t underestimate the power of social media for podcast promotion. With 4.6 billion active social media users, you have enormous opportunities to find people who have similar interests with just one post. Here are four steps that will help you make a great impression and drive more listeners to your podcast.

Find Listeners & Determine Where They Spend Time

Finding the people you want to reach is an important part of your marketing strategy.

Developing a listener persona is a lot like defining your buyer persona in marketing. It helps you understand the demographics of your audience and what their pain points are.

It’s important to know a typical listener before deciding on your podcast episode plan. Who do you address in your podcast? What city, age, and occupation do they belong to? With this information, you can provide relevant content, launch paid ads, and maximize conversions. And you can use platforms where people go online to find the type of content they want to listen to.

When you’re looking for the best social media platform to promote your podcast, it’s important to remember that your listener persona will make a difference in which platform is best. For example, do you target active and younger social groups? If so, then Instagram or TikTok would be a good option for you. These platforms also distribute much visual content, like pictures and videos.

A fundamental difference between Twitter and Instagram is that with Twitter you have to write concise captions for tweets, and also make use of several images in each post. Clickable links are allowed in posts on Twitter. Instagram, on the other hand, does not support the feature. So you’ll need to work a little harder to convince people to listen to your podcast.

Use The Right Hashtags

These days, hashtags are an important and free tool for promoting your podcast. You can find them on Instagram, Twitter, Facebook, or LinkedIn. They’re keywords that you write after the “#” sign.

Hashtags are a quick way to find other posts related to the same topic. People can click on them and see all of your posts in that specific category. They also allow you to narrow the search for photos or videos with a specific word, for example # Paris or #Dogs.

When you name your podcast, try to include a broad hashtag phrase, such as #housework, #cleaninghacks, #adulting. A unique hashtag for your show will also help to begin to cultivate a community around your podcast or blog post. This unique hashtag can also make it easier for listeners to find you.

Provide a Preview Trough Short Video Clips

Podcasts often struggle to get their message across the way they want, because they lack visuals. When you combine your podcast with relevant visuals, you can get more shares and page likes on social media.

Use tools like Canva can turn your podcast into videos. Place quotes, statistics and other visuals that are relevant to the topic of the episode. This is a good way to keep viewers engaged with your podcast.

Share episode clips and quotes to preview future events on Twitter. Make the text for each image and video summary about the topic of the episode, but don’t give away secrets. Use a memorable quote from the show to get listeners excited to listen in.

Statistics show that people share videos 1200% more than they share text or images. Get creative with your profiles and put a human touch on them by recording the process of interviewing guests and showing behind-the-scenes footage through your video feed.

The goal of a video caption is to make the video accessible for a viewer who may not be able to hear or see. You could caption to provide information that a viewer will have an easier time understanding if they listen. Or your goal might be to inspire them to turn on the sound and watch the whole episode.


Run Contests and Giveaways

Running contests and giveaways is another great way to spread the word about your content and grow your following. Simply upload the name of your contest or giveaway, upload your logo, and an image for it to appear in the feed. Your followers will be able to vote on their favorite entry and win prizes based on the competition’s rules.

We all love free stuff and gamification, right? When we get free things, our happiness levels increase and we release more oxytocin. That’s why they’re so popular on social media when it comes to account promotion. They help you grow the size of your listener base and give your loyal audience something fun to watch!

Contests need to rely on a sense of urgency and participants’ desire to win. Your task is to determine prizes or conditions for earning them. Note that rules should be easy enough to follow. Let people know about the contest ahead of time so they could sign up and be eligible on social media when it’s live.

Publish Content Regularly

To be successful, you need high-quality content that is well-written and informative. What makes your business unique? Share it through blogs.

Frequency is key when it comes to marketing on social media. Marketers often post without knowing how often they’re supposed to, which can come off as annoying to followers.

According to new research from 2022, a good rule is to only post 1-2 times per day. You can also attract followers four times faster by posting it every day compared to once a week.

How will you make your content appealing to users? By creating a calendar that allows you to plan specific posts in advance. For example, you could post on Mondays with teasers of the forthcoming episode and then publish full episodes on other days.

Our content strategy breaks down to one simple formula: one day for new posts, and another for re-posts. You don’t need a complicated process to create great content — in fact, you could probably just use this template.

Schedule the posts you want to publish weeks or months in advance with a social media automation tool. This will help you avoid unwelcome disruptions and ensure that your posts get put out at the right time for maximum exposure.

Wrap Up

If TLDR: Social media is a great platform for any online business, so consider using it to engage with followers. These platforms provide all the tools you’ll need to create buzz around new episodes and repurpose old content.

The first step is to decide which platform to start with. Adapt content for the chosen platform and its special features, like Instagram, which is a visually-rich network with interactive features like count-down timers and polls. LinkedIn, in contrast, is more appropriate for sharing business-like and professional content.

Try using hashtags when you post, partnering with influencers, and asking guests to promote their episode in their social media profiles.

Podcasts don’t provide visuals. Whenever you post audio clips on social media, make sure to try and include images and videos to create a comprehensive experience for your listeners.

Save yourself some time by staying organized with a daily post publishing schedule to keep users interested. This is a solid social media strategy for your growing podcast.

The post Creating a Social Media Strategy for Your Podcast appeared first on Creativ Digital.

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